Approved in Chicago!


Registered Users (C)
Timeline in signature.

Appointment at 7:45 AM.
Arrived around 7:20 AM.
Security check in 7:40 AM.
Left 2nd floor waiting room around 7:50 AM.
Called for interview around 8:05 AM.

The interview started with some general questions for me, such as birthday, birth place, last entry date and on what visa, where do you work now, bluh bluh... As I was answering the questions, she was quickly checking on the paperwork we submitted earlier. After all these questions, she asked what documents we have to prove our relationship. I passed her all the documents we have prepared as listed below:

Joint checking and savings account;
Joint house and car insurance;
E-ticket confirmation for our last trip and next trip;
Phone bill for our family plan;
Screen shots of our email communications;

The photo album we prepared was staying on the desk untouched throughout the whole process.

As she was browsing through the documents, I explained to her in details. She was especially interested in the screen shots of our email communications which I guess is because these are not common documents she sees everyday. My wife and I write each other emails like twice a day every day since she works in another city on weekdays. She must be suprised by the number of emails on that printout.

After that, she said she'd approve our case and we should recieve the card in mail in 2 weeks :D She asked if we have any questions. I asked about the name check thing even though I knew that has to be cleared in order for her to approve the case immediately. She said everything has been cleared and just wait for the card.

Out of the office around 8:20 AM.

Thanks for all the help I have got from here and hope my experience is helpful too.

Good luck to all!
Congratulations! Thats excellent news.

I got my interview notice but still waiting for an update on my EAD & AP.
Quick question - did your AP arrive in the mail without an online status change?
That is great news! Your interview was similar to mine, very fast! I already received my welcome letter and the email saying that my card has been ordered :)
Enjoy your new status!
Congatulations!:) My interview also took place in Chicago, on July 26, but, unlike yours, it was very tough. Nevertheless, I've alreday received my case status update saying that a welcome notice was mailed to me.
Good luck!

I wish you could guide me through the process too. My DO is in Chicago too. Unfortunately, I was overstayed. I married to a USC couple months back and have received my fingerprinting couple days back. I am in the process of completing my RFE process. I wonder when I will receive my new EAD? I have a job offer, awaiting for me. Please advise.

As mentioned, I am out of status. What sorts of evidences that helps me to clear my name? My USC husband is a student. Hence, I have a co-sponsor whom a relative to my USC husband. I do not have tax return, join assets to prove our financial stability. Please advise whats the best documents to present prior interview being the fact my husband is a student.

Appreciate this.

Congrats to you all who got your GC in 3 months. I applied and had my interview last June (2005) in Dallas. Now still waiting... for who knows what. My attorney suspects it's security clearance.

One question: are your cases subject to name check at all?3 months sound not much time for security check which is said to take months, some times years. Is name check random? or based on nationality?
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zoelee said:
Congrats to you all who got your GC in 3 months. I applied and had my interview last June (2005) in Dallas. Now still waiting... for who knows what. My attorney suspects it's security clearance.

One question: are your cases subject to name check at all?3 months sound not much time for security check which is said to take months, some times years. Is name check random? or based on nationality?

Name check is neither random nor based on nationality. The FBI does a search in all their records for any reference to your name and vital stats. If you get a hit on your name(even if you were just a witness, or any kind of party to any kind of matter of significance) -- you are placed on a pile to be manually researched. This is what takes long --- some people clear without a hit in 2-3 weeks, those that get a "hit" have to wait much longer for FBI officers to manually research your case. Sometimes the longest wait is for them to get to your file.

This explanation is not sufficient in detail, but gives you a general idea --- hope it helps --- my apologies, I am short on time today.
At the end of the interview, I did ask about the name check. The officer told me that both my name check and background check are cleared. She also mentioned that if a name is too common, it may take much longer to get through. I guess it makes sense because the more common a name is, the higher chance it gets hit during the check.
thundering said:
At the end of the interview, I did ask about the name check. The officer told me that both my name check and background check are cleared. She also mentioned that if a name is too common, it may take much longer to get through. I guess it makes sense because the more common a name is, the higher chance it gets hit during the check.
Woohoo!!! I'm the only person with my name in America. ;)

Seriously, if you type in even my surname Google, on the first page 5 hits are me, 1 is my mum and 2 are my cousin, 1 person in Austraila and one random!