APPROVED!! Help w/ Chicago stamping please?


Registered Users (C)
I'm in tears. It's been a long, long journey,and it's over now. I checked the site as I do every day, and found that my case was approved on 4/7/03!!
I'll share my details below and will update my entry on Rupnet.

I now need help with one more thing: Would someone please tell me what to do now, to get my passport stamped in Chicago? I would like some tips on how to navigate that process.

I can now take a trip to visit my sick mother before her time passes.

I want to offer my sincere thanks to everyone on this board for your cooperation, patience and hard work to share your knowledge and experiences. This board has been a terrific resource for me in tracking my case during the long wait.
Thank you, and best wishes to all!!!

My details:
RD: 06/04/2001
ND: 11/05/2001
LIN# LIN-01-256-5xxxx
FP: January 2002
RFE (1st): 01/31/03
RFE:(2nd) 03/27/03
AD: 04/07/2003