Approved, even though it is slower than most of you.


New Member
Heard AVM saying case approved on 03/11. It is about a year now. Hence you can imagine how much I relieved and how happy I am.
RD 03/06/01
ND 03/28/01
FD 01/12/02
wac-01-143-xxxxx, can you believe this "143" case is still here? most of you are not bad AT ALL!

I don\'t come here often. Here just want to share this piece of breeze with you. Hopefully it can ease some frustrations from some fellows, which I can totally feel. Because you can see how slow my case is. I like a msg post on this site a while ago, that is the sun will shine on your street one day, and every dog has its own day. Now I look back, I take it as an experience, which makes me stronger.

Best luck with all of you, Approve soon!


Could you tell me what was the reason that had your FP get the delay?


I really cannot figure out why. That is exactly why all of us are so frustrated about right?

Actually I don\'t think I gonna get my FP notice if I hadn\'t pushed my lawer to send that fax inquiry.

Thanks, best luck with your process.
one more question


Thanks for prompt replying.

Did the AVM msg get update after your FP done?
If so, when was the AVM msg changed?
My FP was taken on Jan 03, 2002, but till today
AVM says the old msg "... it takes 975-999 days",
has never updated.


You really had a long wait....
Now go have some fun ....:)

WAC 163... and still waiting :-(
it is all about your job, right?

Even though I am the slowest among my coworkers here in the same office, I don\'t complain too much for the length of a year. I won\'t feel too miserable if my job can satisfy me. Only when you want to jump boat or you feel you miss the opportunities, you feel the sluggishness of the process and become anxious. Hey, maybe it is good for us that we didn\'t join those dot-bombs. :) For god\'s sake, I am still waiting here with my old job, even though it gonna change soon.

To answer another friend\'s question, my AVM never changed since day one until now. Some how I know for some of us, our AVM just never changed. That adds another drawback.

best luck with all of you!

Thanks for response!

MD 06/01, Wac-01-262-xxx, maybe I need wait for another 9-month.

Enjoy your freedom!


I feel relieved from your approval.

I have the exact case like yours,

RD March 5
ND March 28
FP Jan 15, 2002

AVM not chaged yet, still waiting for the magic words..

Enjoy your freedom.
did your AVM ever changed from day 1, or did not change after FP?

I am on the same boat, WAC-01-137-xxxx, FP done late Jan., still waiting. AVM never changed since they got my RFE in June 01. thanks for sharing the info.