Approved but....


Registered Users (C)
My application for residency got approved by letter dated 18th May. The letter was sent to my friends address in US as curently I am employed in India. I did my medicals in India on August 2003, so practically I have to land before August 2004.
I have been asked to send in my PP with my families PPs for stamping. My question is will I be required to land in Canada before August 2004, up till which my medical is valid (one year from test date). If I send in PPs for stamping by mid June, is there a chance that the visa validity be given for 12 months from mid june 2004?
Anyone gone through this before. Please share your experiences.
Appreciate your replies.


I hope everything is going well for you, I had the same experience twice in the past. In two ocassions I was told that my permanent immigration visa was ready to be issued and that all I need was the medical examinations and pay the landing fee. So I did, but the Canadian MEbassy in Colombia took so long to answer that my medical exams expired. Me and my family had them taken again but in the same way the Canadian Embassy in Colombia waited so long that they were about to expire and they asked me to send the passports so they could issue the visas in one week before the medical exams expire (can you belive it?) at the end the got my money from my landiong fees, I paid twice some medical exams and did not get anything to get into Canada.

There is no one to ask, no one to call, just sadness to have been scamp by Canada. I know it is not the same for many people, but sadly for us it was this way.