Approved 7/26/01 - ND 07/19/00. EB2. India. PD 2/98. FP 11/00. EAC-00-224-*.

Avi Dasgupta

New Member
Finally the saga has ended. yesterday the avm was spewing the same old litany. Today it sounded music to me. My lawyer called - A mellifluous voice confirmed my expectation. Even the postwoman was kind today- the courtesy copy was smiling at me from the mailbox.

3.5 years of agony. During this time:
(a) labor dept shut down - could not work for 7 weeks
(b) a job transfer between consulting companies almost threw me out of the country (thanks to the client company intervention, i am still here)
(c) INS officials "visited" me at the workplace claiming i was working illegally (had to show them papers at home as gaping eyes stared at me being escorted out of the building)
(d) EAD scare - my current EAD expires on 8/17. no sign of renewal.
(e) last but not the least, the agonizing wait, as opportunities slipped by while i stayed snug in the clutches of my consulting company.

Friends, i know many of you have faced worse. My heartfelt sympathies to all those who have been and are undergoing this predicament.
All i can say, adversity makes you stronger. really.

Words cannot express the gratitude i have for each and everyone of you in this forum. thanks to this support system, the trial felt surmountable.

All the best my friends. As the jedi saying goes:May the force be with you.


P.S. Oct2000 - need a favor. forgot my immitracker password. I have my information under "AVI" - could you update that ? Thanks a lot!