Approved !! 12/26 Rd


Registered Users (C)

I checked today morning case has been approved. Here are
the details :-



RD :- 12/26/2001

FP :- 5/4/2002

RFE :- 06/05/2003 ( Emp. Letter, Past 3 yrs W2's, Last 6 pay stubs)

RFE Received :- 6/30/2003.

Approved :- 7/11/2003.

Best of luck to the rest of you.

Just one question. Did anybody call your company to check your current position? Because my friend got such call. Thank you. Good luck in everything!

I didn;t check with my co. so i don;t know ...but even if they call .. I don;t see why any co. would not tell the truth if the person is currently employes with them ...

Thank you for your unswer. I was asking because I have a problem, I changed my job position in the company, and I'm afraid they can call and verify that. I was not aware I can't do that, I was promoted to a manager of a new department, which was opened in the company. But anyway thank you. And good luck in everything!

Maxx ,

I got the same RFE which you got .

But in my case , My last two years w2 shows less earnings than my LCA(I129) about 10K. Is this ok ???


This one a slightly difficult question to answer ...the reason why they ask for past W2's is this is a good way of confirming whether the person has been working or not ..and the reason they want know this is that they want to give GC;s to people who they think are going to do good here and make money which indirectly translates to good tax money ...and it makes a lot of sense ...

10 k below LC (I am estimating it should be about 35-40 k ) is decent money ....they also understand the fact that the economy took a bad hit and they are taking that into consideration also ....

I don;t think there should be any problem ...but I may be wrong and a qualified attorney will be the best person for this matter ...

BUT ....GC is for the job of the future long as they are convinced that U have a decent job NOW and Ur. sponsoring employer has a job for U in near furture ....that is enough for them ..if they decide to dig deep in each and every case, then it will take 10 years for an individual to get the GC ....

So rest assured ... U will be posting ur. own post that says "Approved at last" ...

Best of luck ...
