

Registered Users (C)
Our family got approval end of July. It was an extremely long wait with an RFE in between, mail not reaching us and other problems.
All I can say about the whole process is to GET A GOOD LAWYER and if you don't think the old one is doing the right thing DON'T HESITATE TO TAKE A SECOND OPINION!!
Half our problems would have been solved if we had changed our lawyer.
The number is WAC 01 - 142 - XXXXXX

This portal and all the info on it was extremely helpful and in times of stress was a life saver.


Could you please post a little more detail of your experience with your old/new lawyer? Thanks!
experience with lawyer

We got an RFE around the time of the Anthrax mail scare. When I called the online status they said they had mailed the letter asking for the RFE info. We waited for 14 days the mail did not show up. We asked the lawyer to please follow up. He sadi let's wait - waited for about three months. Still no show. Then whem we insisted he contacted thru fax and got info. We submitted RFE info. Then got transferretd to Local INS office for interview. We are also an AC21 case. He told us take some documentation,But in the letter to the officer he mentioned some other docs as well. (Which we obviously didnot have and could not show the officer) These docs where pretty simple stuff and we could have arranged for them if he had told us abiut them earlier.
Anyway we had interview and officer asked us to mail the rest of the docs. Which we did. This was just before the clamp down last dec (for extra name checks). We never got a reply from the Officer about our case. We kept asking him to fond out about the case, but he never did it efficiently.
Eventually I got fed upa nd consulted another lawyer. This lawyer contacted the supervisors at the Local INS Offcice and got things moving again. And within a month we had the approval. (finger prints again).
Long story, Huh?


Congrats on your long waited approval..

This seems to be really long waited.. I wonder how many more 01 cases still remain who are still in this forum..

Enjoy your freedom. But who was your old lawyer? If anyone is looking for a immi lawyer, then they can filter out this guy/gal.