Approval Pattern


Registered Users (C)
Guys, I feel people who frequent this site more often get their approval last or seem to have most problems getting approvals. The once who are posting approvals are fairly unknown ids.

Is their a reason to it or just a timepass thought.

More Frequency to visit this site = More Anxious = More calling INS = More Problems and delays
More Anxious ----- Yes

More calling INS ------- No not really

More Problems and delays ---- God only knows. Just pure luck . like lotto
Thanks God Ric2 got his

Otherwise no one knows what he would have done if his case was overdue.:)

But take the cases of July 16, Anita G (Demigoddess), Dma , and some other veterans , and also poor me.
Here's the answer

Those who post here regularly make up about 5% off all the visitors. As soon as a silent visitor gets approved he(she) goes in and post a message " I've been a silent visitor to this site, but today is the day of my life: according.......thank you Rajiv Khanna."

It's all because many approvals are added by the first time posters.
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Unfortunately the more approvals we see the more we feel our case has been delayed and the more frantic we get. It is all in the preception.
Yes and veterans like dma_va, anita g also will have other add ons to their list people like me. Remember that we are just a % of the actual lot. In the real case scenario there will be a significant % that is getting delayed. And like sahib q just stated that first time approvals are posted here so we feel the scales have been tipped but there is no such jinx.
I see my name mentioned twice here (thanks for the demigoddess compliment) but I am too tired to think of an appropriate response. Still miles to go before I sleep :(
Re: Thanks God Ric2 got his

Originally posted by ms001
Otherwise no one knows what he would have done if his case was overdue.:)

But take the cases of July 16, Anita G (Demigoddess), Dma , and some other veterans , and also poor me.


Anita Gupta

all above mentioned in your post are approved

now remain me and you