Approval info. from immitracker. Is this True?

This could very well be true!

Here is my posting from Dec. 04, 2001
"While I was at local INS for my EAD, I ran into a friend of mine who was there to get his passport stamped as he received his 485 approval notice last week.
The story, so far, seems to be so ordinary, but what will really blow your mind, as it did mine, is the following:

His RD: Some date in Feb, 2001
His ND: Some date in March, 2001 (there was a 25 day differece between RD and ND)
His Approval Date: November 21, 2001

and yes his Notice date year is 2001 I repeat 2001.

The person got his FP in May of this year..."

This is not a rumour... I have read his ND with my own eyes:)

Someone on this board earlier came up

with some NSC 485 approval theory. According to that theory, NSC has officers groups working on 485 cases with RD ranging from 8/00 to 3/01so one group is workin on cases with RD 8/00 to 10/00, other group workin on 11/00-01/01 and another workin on 3/01...However we\'ve seen few unfortunate FISI (First in still in) cases also!

Where did you read this theory. It kind of makes sense but I think if NSC operates in a fashion as you described, it will be unfair for the people who are suffering from FISI.

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I don\'t think the Group Theory is true. We have seen many times
situations like this. I think only very few 03/01 and 05/01 cases
are approved. At the same time, we know lot of or some of 08/00 and 09/00
cases are there. Current processing time is cases having RD around 10/20/00 thru 11/20/00.
That\'s where the bulk of cases being approved now. It always happens
that NSC forgets some of or many of or lot of aged cases and they
process them little later, usually delayed cases.
It is not only in I485, but true in other cases like I140 and I765

When cases assigned to officers, some officers process them quicker
and some do it slowly because he/she may have lot of pending RFE
cases also to process. There could be other reasons too why some
officers can not handle cases quickly. So, its based on your luck who
gets to approve your case. Is he/she one of the quick officer or
slow officer, for your case?

I swear I read that on this site!

But I dont know the exact thread so its useless to look back. I completely agree with 5thyearNSC that Luck plays an important role, if you\'re lucky your approval comes 2-3 month earlier than general lot of your RDs......meanwhile sit back, relax and enjoy!!
Here is my re-collection.

About a month ago, some one claimed that he called NSC and the
IIO told him/her that NSC was using some sort of grouping/batching
method to process cases.