Applying for passports for the whole family


Registered Users (C)
My wife and I were naturalized last week, and as per the Child Citizenship Act of 2001 my daughter became a citizen automatically. Now it is time to apply for passports. But I am not sure how we can all apply at the same time, since my daughter's application will need my wife's and my naturalization certificates to be submitted with her application, but they are also necessary for our own applications.

Is anybody else in the same boat? I guess there is no other go than to apply in some sequence rather than all together?

Thanks for linking to my post ;)

Prasad, if you haven't applied yet and you still have questions, feel free to ask me.
Thanks a lot, Wivnmgm, Huracan. After I posted my question I did a search of the forum and found your messages, so I got my answer. We applied on Aug 24 (Friday) at our town hall, where the clerk was most accommodating (probably because we were soon to be town voters:))

We will see whether my daughter's application comes back; hopefully we will get all our passports. We applied expedited - clerk said even expedited is taking 4-6 weeks - not good!
