Applying for new Indian passport: San Francisco consulate


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I need to apply for a new passport. I have gone on the website of I have a few questions:

1) Is this the correct source of information (form, fees, etc) for applying (or is it out of date)?
2) What has been the time duration in which new passports are created?
3) Is it better to mail or to go in person?
4) One question on the application form is:
16. Present Immigration status: ECR/ECNR
The abbreviations are emmigration clearance required/not required.

What does this mean? I am on an H1B visa.

Does anyone have any information about the above questions or experience with the process? It would be greatly appreciated.
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I think the site info. is correct. It will take 4-6 weeks (or less). As far as I know the embassy is very efficient in this matters and you can send it by mail (registered I guess, but not sure). If the office is nearby, go and give the application. (Thats what I did. In Newyork, though) You will get a call back once its done.

You can just put H1B as your status. Hope this helps.

I recently applied for a new Passport at SFO Consulate. They contacted me in about 2-3 weeks time regarding additional documents and completed the processing in about 3-4 days of my faxing the documents.

The information given on the website regarding address and fee is correct.

The ECNR stamp should be on your current passport.

I applied for the passport by mail. I didnt have any problem.

Contacting them via phone or email is not always successful....

- Nitin.
Hi Nitin,

Thanks for the infomration.

Can you tell me what other documents they asked you for?

In my current passport, I have don't have ECNR. (The line that says ECNR has been cancelled). But then again, I got that passport when I was still in junior college in India.

Dahlia, thanks for the info too.
i have a question re: new passport app form..
line 18 asks how long has the applicant continuously resided abroad..
i have been here for a while now but i've visited india every 2 yrs or so..
what should the answer be.. total time since i came here or time
since my last visit to india..
any pointers would be very helpful..