Applying for Citizenship


Registered Users (C)
I have couple of questions and would appreciate if someone can address them.

1. I went on a 6 week vacation and came back this week . can I apply for Citizenship now ? I satisfy all other requirements (continuous residence and time as a permanent resident).

2. I intend to go outside the country next month . can I do that while the application is in progress ?

1 -- Since you called it a vacation, I assume this is a temporary trip. If you satisfy all other requirements including 3 months residence at the DO area you should be fine. Notice residence is maintained while you are on vacation / temporary trip.

2 -- You can travel while N400 is pending. Remember the travel dates, keep boarding passes if you want to. At the interview you will have a chance to update travel dates on N400 form. Again all rules to maintain GC apply. USCIS will send you finger print notice, interview letter etc. at some point so you need to ensure somebody is checking your mail while you are away.

Hope this helps.