Applying for citizenship while living in different states


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A friend of mine is planning to apply for citizenship. He meets all the criteria
but his current work situation requires him to move to a diff state twice in the next year. But his spouse maintains residence in their home state. He is wondering if he can apply from his home state even though he will be living in 2 other states over the next yr. What are possible workarounds? Or should he file AR-11 each time and change jurisdiction each time? He will be in each state for 6 mths. Thanks in advance for all the suggestions/advice
Is he "residing" in these various locations or just visiting. If his wife maintains a residence, I'd think it would be OK for him to list that as his residence and that he's just going to the other places for business.

If he does this, he'll probably need to be ready to come back for fingerprinting (which most places will do on Saturdays (it seems)) and for the interview and oath.
Well he's taking an apt in each of these states to reside for 6 mths, but making regular trips back home where his wife maintains the primary residence. It seems to be a gray area and he was wondering what was acceptable. Returning for FP etc would not be an issue for him. thanks for the quick response:)
I've taken "temporary residence" in distance places for work before, but never considered it to be a real residence (for example, I never used it as a postal address and didn't have my mail forwarded to it). If he's making regular trips home, and his wife lives there, then it's pretty much his "residence". At least to me.

However, he needs to believe that is correct. He needs to be "telling the truth" when he says it.
I consider that his primary residence is where his wife lives I guess his name is also mentioned in the lease). The other places are for business purposes. We were roaming during our green card process, we had only one primary address and our mail was never forwarded to wherever we are. Once in a month my usband used to go, pick up mail etc..