Applying for B1/B2 - with pending F1 petition (Family - daughter of US Citizen)


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Hi All,

When I was still single/unmarried, my dad a naturalized US Citizen petitioned me and I was just 19 yrs old then (That was yr 1999)and under IR -immediate relative/child of US Citizen. However, the CSPA did not acknowledge the fact that I was considered minor or should be IR - or immediate relative of a US Citizen. I received the new category or under F1 - daughter of a US Cirizen when I was 22.

I was really depressed and got married 2005 and was 25 yrs old then. My father did not notify the immigration about it since he was really upset too.

My husband is a green card holder or a lawful permanent resident in the US and now eligible to apply for his US citizenship but not yet filing for my petition since he wanted to file for my petition once he get his citizenship.

Just this year, around march, I received a letter from the US Immigration saying I am covered under CSPA or Child Status Protection ACt, unless married. SO definitely, I did not contact them anymore since I am now married and I know that they will still find out.

Now, my company is sending me to the US for a training.

I am afraid that I will be denied because of the petition I have from my father. I know its no longer valid but we didnt inform them yet. Plus the fact that my husband lives there, I dont know if they will allow me to have the Business Visa.

God knows Im so happy here in the Philippines and my husband and I have a good set up. We just see each otehr every 2 yrs.

My company is not under any program or here in manila we call it PIP or Priority *** program. I have the guarantee letter and invitation letter from our office in Tampa, FL and I dont know if this is suffice. Any advise? Any similar prob like mine? Any success stories?