Application for J2EE Software Engineer


New Member
Being a Sun Certified Java Programmer, I am highly motivated
and determined visionary who has a passion for technology,
especially when it relates to J2EE architecture/strategy,
front-ends, performance and troubleshooting. Also well versed
in oracle database, EJB, Web logic application server, Swing,
J2SE, JSP, JMS, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, E-Commerce, Java Mail
and Servlets. Always a creative business thinker and strategist,
looking at the "Big Picture".
I would be pleased to have the opportunity to be interviewed
on my Above related skills. I can be reached at 415-786-9480.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward
to hearing from you.
Sundara Moorthi

You can contact E Computer technologies @ 972-889-1818 xtn 104 they are very reliable people.
