Apologies …. yet another question on tax transcripts !!!


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Apologies …. yet another question on tax transcripts !!!

OK so we need the form 4506-T which is easily obtained online. However, on Question 6 of the form, do we want:

a. Return Transcript (line items of returns filed with the IRS up to current year + 3 years) OR:
b. Account Transcript (financial status of the account, payments, penalties, adjustments etc. available for most returns) OR:
c. Record of Account (combination of line item information and later adjustments up to current year + 3 years)

Sorry to be so dense and thanks for any advice.
I asked the exact same question, a few posts below your's and I didn't get a definitive answer so don't hold your breath.

Anyway, I called the 800 number, which you can call anytime, and used their automated service. You have a choice of transcript of returns or transcript of account information - I'm not clear what this means, you also have a choice of both.

I opted for both, doesn't hurt, it's free.

Transcript of returns is available only for 2003/4 and 5.

Hope this helps.
Choice A (Return Transcript) is all you'll need. I ordered Choice A online and on the phone so I had 2 copies, and didn't even need to show it in the interview. I was asked though if I paid my taxes and that was it.
It is simple.

1) You do not need to fill ANY forms. You do not need internet access....All you need is phone.
2) Call IRS number and order tax transcripts for the last 3 yrs. It is free and will arrive to your door within 2 weeks (or sooner).
3) Bring copies of your prior filings with you to the interview (most probably you are keeping them already)
4) No need to show any of these tax papers unless you are spefically asked about them and/or you personally need to use them to support claims that you are making to IO officer (which he/she is suspicious about).
5) Since you already have state tax papers with you, bring them to the interview also (just in case).

However, if you lost your tax files and/or have VERY complicated pending N-400 case, then you can pay $39 and ask for an offical IRS copy of your tax forms. I would not advise this step unless you REALLY HAVE TO, which should be only the case with 5% of the applicants or less.

Good luck!

P.S.: I'm not a lawyer or an immigration expert. I'm just an ordinary guy. You are soley responsible for your actions.