AP question


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys

I am not sure how the AP works. I have applied for AP for me and my wife some time on APril 28th and still waiting for approval .
My wife needs to go India to some time very soon . Is it OK if she leaves country without AP , as I will be leaving once I get the AP.
We plan to return together.
Or is it too risky as there is a chance of rejection of AP for some reason .
Pl advice
Thanks for all your help
Per immigration law, you cannot leave the country without AP if you applied for AOS. If you leave the country without AP then BCIS can consider that you abandoned your AOS petition.

Don't take chance, it is better to wait for AP approval than repenting later or Apply for emergency AP at local BCIS office. You might get emergency AP within a day or few days.
Thanks Edison . Well I was not sure if we can leave without AP or not
Thanks again for the info

Why dont you go to local BCIS office to get a emergency AP document and go to india?? ( since 60 days passed after AP Receipt date)

Hope this helps.