AP or H4 Visa (B\'cos used EAD to get SSN) Please Advise.....


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Applied I-485 and got EAD and AP for myself and my wife. She went to India and also got her H4 multiple stamped. When she is coming back to US, Is it advisable to use AP or H4 multiple Visa. But here is my doubt????

1) I did not use my EAD, but my wife got her SSN using her EAD.
2) when she took SSN based on EAD does it mean her H4 is invalidated.
3) Does it mean that she started using her EAD and should use her AP for entering US? Or there is no relation between these two and she can use either H4 or AP.
4) Also does "Last Action Rule" discussed in Sheela Murthy\'s newsletter applies to this situation.

Please Advice.