AP - Multiple entries??


New Member
My first AP, which I got Jan. 02 clearly states " Multiple Entries". The second AP, which I got Dec 02, has a little bit different format and it states " this authorizaiton is valid for multiple applications for parole into the United State during the validity of the ..." I thought this means multiple entries. However, when my wife came back from an oversea trip this month through Detroit (this was the first time she used AP), the officer at POE said he was not sure if the AP was good for multiple entries or not.

Sicne I may have multiple international trips pretty soon, I am just wondering if anyone ever uses AP, which has the same statement as my 2nd AP, more than once?

I think its valid for Multiple Entries

Couple of weeks back i came from Canada -Niagara Falls and office told me it is valid for multiple entries after i asked her
weather it is valid for multiple Entries. So you are good.
I asked my lawyer before making trip and he also told it
is god for multiple Entries.