AP in the City of Angeles (and bums)


Registered Users (C)
The wife and I learned something extremely important today:

1. Los Angeles service center = only Family based applications
2. Laguna Niguel = only Employment based applications

- Downtown LA at 4 am this morning,
- Dropped wife off to stand in line (which saved us about 100 spaces in line)
- Found parking for $4 all day
- Sat in an unimaginable line for 4 hours (the people at the front of the line were there at 9 pm yesterday evening!!!!!!!)
- Started moving around 5:30am into single file
- 6am Everyone was moved to other side of building (between Fed. bldg and jail)
- They started sorting who went where (APs and EAD renewals went to a quicker line, the reeeeeally long? not sure who they were but they were the 9pm people)
- Got to "Triage #6" fairly quickly after that.
- Was also told fairly quickly that our app was employment based and was at the Laguna SerCen. and to fax over our receipts with explanation.

As of this moment (1:45pm PST) we are waiting for response to fax (they said they should call back today).

ANYWAYS, we spent 4 hours to gain the following insights:
1. would have paid $1000 for chairs & blankets
2. concrete is cold
3. there are a lot of bums downtown
4. Carls Jr. never tasted so good
5. would have paid another $1000 for someone to stand in line for us