AP for previous illegal


Registered Users (C)
Has anybody used the AP that was previously illegal. We did pay the $1,000 fine when we applied for AOS. Last March expected to receive green card within one year (duh!) so put off travel back to UK. Now we need to travel within next 3 months.
I am assuming your query is "Has anyone who has been previously illegally present in the US used an AP?"

If that is the Q, I hope it is clearer now, and anyone who has done that might respond.

My 2 cents is, if you have a valid AP you should be fine. However, my better judgement would advise against travelling, if you can avoid it. Given the current climate, BCIS might take the position that since you had been illegally present, the AP was erroneously issued... blah...blah. Or you might still turn up as illegally present is some stupid un-updated database at port of entry. So travel is VERY AVOIDABLE. If you must travel, I suggest you talk to a good immigration attorney, and carry plenty of documentation, including multiple copies of a letter from your attorney explaining the situation, with you.
Silly man nodding his head in agreement. You paid the fine, but if the dude @ the port says .. I don't see any record of it .. die terrorist .. what ru gonna do?
Silly Man, in this case one will have two choices

1) voluntary departure by next available flight


2) one will enjoy rest in BCIS-contracted prison facilities perhaps in leg irons and handcuffs till decision of immigration judge.
From what I've heard, BCIS contracted prisons aren't very comfy. I was reading in that special registration mess the few people who did get imprisoned for a few days, they gave them toilet paper (for obvious reason), but no blankets, so the folks had a choice between use TP as blanket, or TP as TP.

Well .. they used as a blanket.
You cant travel on AP if you have been illegal before. You will be subject to the 3/10yr banishment rule.

sorry, cant cheer you up...
Beverly, neeru is correct. don't step out of the US without a green card. If you do you'll be subject to the 10 year bar rule. BCIS shouldn't approved your AP application