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AOS question


Registered Users (C)
After mailing the I485 and other forms to the Chicago address, is there anyway to followup or check status about the application ? Is there a number we can call or can someone at the local USCIS office find this out ? I'm hoping someone who has done AOS would be able to help me with this
I don't think you can do anything before you get the Receipt Notice. If you don't get it 4 weeks after they received your application, then you can call them. When you call the number there will be the option something like "if you have filed with us but didn't hear from us for more then 4 weeks...". However, once you receive the Notice, you'll make a FP appointment, so you'll know more or less where you are. This is how it went with my case.
Good luck!
P.S. Here is the # in case you don't have it: 1 800 375 5283