AOS interview in Los Angeles 3/28/07


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We had our interview today in downtown LA. and I d like to share my experience with everyone out there who s still nervous just like I used to be:(

Case: husband USC 28, wife Chinese 25, went to the same college but met in Los Angeles in Jan 2006. No previous marriage or kids from both sides. Wife entered U.S. on F-1 in 2000, had a valid H-1b visa since 2004

Our appointment time was 8:20am, we arrived at 7:55am. There was no line outside, security at all. Went staight up to 8th flr. Turned in our interview letter and wait in the room with around 30 couples.

We looked around all the other couples, most of them seem so distant to us. Some of them never even speak a word with each other. One couple was even waiting on the different sides when the officer called them.... odd.....

in about an hour, our names were called. It turns out the guy is the district director(spanish guy). Right after we came in, he said, I won't be able to approve today coz the name check has not been cleared yet, so in the end u ll ve to wait until thats done. (i was like, shit.... but i expected it, wut else can i do? ) He asked us to show IDs first, and stand up and raise right hand to swear to tell the truth. then we sat down. he looked through the computer and asked both of our passports. And he asked me some info about my F-1 and H1-b. And I told him the year and my previous status. And I said, actually, me and my honey went to the same school, but we didnt meet back then. He nodded. Then he added my I-94 info into the computer. He turned around, asked me, have u been ever using illegal drugs? I said, does tylenol count? and he laughed. and without asking, he just unchecked everything on that piece of paper. Then he asked us about the financial support. I gave him the 2006 joint tax filed by both of us. and he asked some questions about the situation with finance. (i had a joint sponser, but he didnt even mention. He asked the copies of the 2006 tax return, and I gave to him. He then opened the photo albums, he was looking through everything to pick 4 photos. And he point to one of guys and asked who he was, and my hubby told him. He said, ok, i m gonna make copies of photos. While he was gone, we just chatted and laughed and stuff. I noticed the office next to him has a water dispenser. when he came back, I asked him, how come you dont have one in ur office? he said, do u need some water/ i said no. just curious. He explained how he doesnt wanna have any food and drinks inside. Then he asked us the joint accounts or anything. We gave him the bank account and apt lease. He asked my husband, how long u been opening the bank account? my hubby: erh, a few month? dont remember exactlly. he looked the paper and said, this s good. and look through the lease, and other non-joint bills but with same address on there. I said, these re all we have. coz we usually threw them away after we write checks. He says, oh, i do that too. He asked, who write checks for these bills? my hubby: whoever see it and wanna do it.. He smiled. Then he said, well, do u have copies of the lease and bank account? I had this I am so sorry face on and said, oh no, i m so sorry, i forgot to make copies. he said, its ok its ok. letme just make copies now, ok? and he left. After he came back, he just spent two minutes with the computer without any talking to us. And in the meantime, we made some small talks about little things, like his office. and he turned around, my hubby said, how many cases u do everyday? he said, around 10. not too many. my honey, said, i like ur office, the view is great. He said, yeah, see, you can see the hollywood sign. and we said, from our apt too! and I stood up and point outside:" thats our apt!" he was:"really? u can see it from here? i said, oh no too many tall buildings but its that way. And he smiled: actually, letme check again, hopefully the name check is cleared. And he checked, said: oh yeah! it just got through! and turned around to us saying: so now i can approve you today. It happened in 5 seconds, with big surprise to us. So as an instinct we hugged and kissed, and I realized he was still there. and I pushed my hubby away, saying: oh sorry to the officer. He said, oh no! its great, keep hugging (something like that). of course we stopped. He then gave us the paper about removal of conditions and explain the things we all know. And my hubby asked about the citizenship. He said, yes, three years from today, but u ve to be still married then to apply citizenship. And I said, oh of course we ll be together then. And I turned to my honey, saying: u will still wanna be with me in three years right? we both have the baby faces on us. The officer thought it was so cute, and saying: yeah, it s good to be together., be together!! And we said, thank you, and we each shook hand with him. and he showed us the door.
He checked the name thing in the morning before we came in, so it was such a MIRACLE that it just went through in half an hour while we were there. Thank GOD we waited for an hour, otherwise by the time we were done, it still would't be clear...
While we were waiting, every couple who came out had no emotions on their faces, and some looked upset. I guess, most of couples I saw, either still have to wait for FBI to clear, OR have to come in again for the second interview(seperated).
It is really odd, that most of couples waiting there dont seem like interact with each other. And some of them were all dressed up too much. or with a lawyer. I think unless you have some really serious and obivous problems(like overstay, or huge age differences, too many previous marriages, etc) dont go with a lawyer or dressed up too much. The district director obivously just wanted chat with us. One point, we were all talking about something thats way out of what this interview is about. But if you make this interview too SEARIOUS, then he would have no choice but being really searious with you. I dont know, maybe some people like that, u dress up too nice make them feel good about themselves. Depends on who you re interviewing with..
RD 11/08/06
Biometric 11/28/06
Ead approval 1/29/07
Interview notice 2/08/07
Interview 3/28/07

Interact, relax and smile! dont have the hard-ass looking on your face. I wish everybody would go through this important small part of lives as smooth as I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!