AOS Interview experience. Newark NJ


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Nice and easy interview. We started from home at around 6.15 am. Reached the embassy at 6.55 am. Parked behind the embassy. The parking lots were empty. When we reached the front gate, the security told us that its employees only entrance and asked us to wait at the side entrance where 2 or 3 people were waiting. The security near that gate told us that they will let us in at 7.30. 20 minutes of waiting..It was cold, My son is 7 month old baby. So, We went to the opposite building (USPS) and waited inside the building. At 7.30 sharp we came out of USPS building and walked down to the Embassy building. We see around 30 people in the queue. They were about to let people in. The security officer there saw us with baby. He said that we dont need to stand in queue as we have little baby. So he got the keys from his collegue and opened an another entrance just for letting us in. I conveyed my sincere thanks to the security person. After security check, we were asked to go the 13th floor. we went to 13 th floor. We were the first in the room. We gave our appointment papers at counter 2. The lady there asked us to sit and wait until our names are called. At 8 am sharp, the IO called my name and my wife's name. She said, sorry I dont know how to pronounce your names.. and I said, no big deal. Then I wished her good morning !! She replied back the same. She opened the door for us and we went into her office. The moment I saw her, I felt its done deal. She was very nice . She was whispering with my son as he was waving hand at her. She became a fan of him.She was saying.. you are cute. Merry christmas..etc., After a while she opened our file and asked us to take a oath. She asked us our birth certificates, my employer letter and then i-94s. She said that everything looks good. Then asked me whether I changed company and I said yes, She asked whether its similar position. I said yes. Then she asked whether we were ever arrested, etc.. I said that I am arrested an year ago for DUI. She was surprised. She asked me whether I have the disposition letter. I said yes. I gave her the letter. She looked at the letter and asked me how did it happen. I explained the incident and she felt sorry for me. She took it very easily. That eased my nerves. She then said, everything looks good. OK.. OK..OK... OK... Then she typed something on the computer and took 2 print outs and kept them in the file. She took our passports and then took the stamp pad...(Yeah....We did it.....Thats our feeling :)) ). As expected she stamped our passports and said congrautulations,you guys are permanent residents now. Enjoy !!. We thanked her. She complimented my son saying that god is so graceful at you. you people got the calm, quiet, lovable and wonderful baby. we thanked her for her compliments. Then she said "all the best". We once again thanked her and left the door and then the building. Its 8.30. So the interview lasted for just 30 minutes. Mine is substitution labor. I Changed employers twice after 6 months of 485 and also had DUI.. Looking at forums,I was a bit worried, but in essence, nothing to worry. We all panic unnecessarily. Wish you all the very best.

Eb2 Sub Labor India August 2001
140 RD - NOV 2005
140 AD - FEB 2005
485/EAD/AP RD - MAR 2006
AP AD -JUNE 2006
FP - JUNE 2006
Interview notice Received - November 19,2007
Interview Date December 19,2007
485 AD Dec 19,2007

485/EAD/AP RD - MAR 2006
AP AD -JUNE 2006
FP - JUNE 2006
Interview notice Received - November 19,2007
Interview Date December 19,2007
485 AD Dec 19,2007
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