AOS interview at Chicago DO, yesterday


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Yesterday I had my AOS interview at Chicago DO. After reading this forum I was a little nervous and I tried to prepare as much as I could, we had all the requested papers, pictures etc… Our interview was scheduled at 8:10am. We came at 7:45, 8:15 the interview started. The officer asked our ID’s, then he looked at my file, asked for joint accounts (we gave him papers on condo, mortgage bills, car insurance, health insurance, credit cards on both names), then looked at the file again for about 2-3 minutes, asked a copy of our marriage certificate (he couldn’t find it for some reason). After that he told that everything is fine (no other questions!?, I was very surprised), he is going to approve our case but he needs me to take fingerprints again (because it was more than a year after I’ve done them?). And as soon as he receives fingerprints they will send me an approval letter to go and stamp my passport. I asked how long it will take, he told about 2 weeks. I asked him his name just in case. And that was it. Everything was about 10 minutes. Now I’m just hoping that it will really be 2 more weeks…
Good luck to all of you!
Hi Lina,
I saw your posts before, and finally you got your interview! Finally!!!
Big congrats!!!
I feel sorry that you have to take FP...and again "waiting"! Hope it's going to be only 2 weeks!
Good luck & best wishes!
congratulations on a successfull interview happy for u ? who was your interviewer No i have interview coming up in february too, hey ema what time is yours and your officer # u can find that # all the way at the bottom underneath thier address 230 s dearborn, good luck to all.

My interview is at 11.05, my son's at 11.30. The officer's # is 16, but what that # means ??

that # means u will be interviewed by officer # 16 goodluck mine is # 13 and my interview time is also 11:05am good luck to all.
A usc, I know what # means ;) , but I was wondering what the # 16 meant on the interview letter. Anyone interviewed by the officer 16 in Chicago ?? :p
Please share your experience. :rolleyes:

We should make a sticky thread about this ;) . It's interesting to know who's gonna be the officer who will interview us and what to expect from him/her. Other interview experiences would help a lot. What do you think ?

My interview is on Feb 15 in chicago with officer 16. Anyone went thru an interview with this officer?
Got my actual greencard 2 days ago! That was fast! (2 weeks after the interview)
My officer was #8.
Good luck guys!
Lina_12 said:
Got my actual greencard 2 days ago! That was fast! (2 weeks after the interview)
My officer was #8.
Good luck guys!
Congratulations, Lina! :)