anyone with ND: July, August, Sep, Oct of 2000 got status changed this week?

Ohio Asylee

Registered Users (C)
I am trying to keep track of the casses processed (supposetly) by the immigration office now. I got my case updated three times this week 27, 28, 29 of 06 (This week) and heard nothing after that, Does anyone else his case ND close to mine and got his case updated too?

I guess this theory of getting your approval within 1 to 3 months from taking bio, doesn't work, I got mine done on April, 4, 2005 , next monday will be 3 months and it is a holiday.

I am not trying to disapoint you guys, but I don't think they can process the GC with ND of 2001 by the end of this PY Sep. of 2005. If they haven't even processed our GC (the guys who they took our bio 3 months ago and I am in August and there is still guys from Sep, Nov, Dec of 2000) plus guys waiting from the end of 1999. I hope they come true on thier promise and maybe the judge signing the settlement soon make a difference. Wasn't he suppose to sign it in 2 weeks after he verbally approved it? which is this past Wednesday
What a crap....

I think in the recent thread, this subject has beaten to death. What's the point opening another thread? Some people have optimistic view and some don't. To be honest with you, lot of people on this forum don't give a rat's ass about the pessimistic view of people who think that USCIS wouldn't be able to process some of the 2001 cases.
With USCIS every case is different, no one knows how exactly do they operate. There is no rhyme or reason. Who says you can't get an approval today, tomorrow or even Sunday. My last email about the approval of my RTD was sent to me on Sunday, go figure.
My Thread wasn't opened up to share my pessemistic view, other wise you missed the title of my thread. It was a tracker for guys with specific ND since we are trying to help each others in this form to understand what is going on and to help each others of any update and the biggest topic now is about getting Approval E mail and yes it worries me that they looked at my case 3 days in a row then i hear nothing after that eventhough everything is done. Remember you, yourself Penjapi, when they changed your case status rapidly before they sent you the RFI, but then you at least got the satisfaction of hearing right away from them that you got the RFI sent to you.

My point: I opened a thread with a spefcific title not to fool anyone to read anything and the pupose to help us understand what is going on for the people who their cases are processed right now which seems July and August. It will also help you guys in 2001 predict what is goin on since no one knows what system the immigration office is working with since there is no system specially now with the everything is working like a mad house.

By the way Punjapi Muda, Watch your language, why do you call my post is (crap). If you don't like the title that I posted, you don't have to read it and move on buddy. Everyone is nervouse and worried about his case, otherwise you won't be on here and in this form 5, 6, 7, 8 times a day.
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Nice cover Ohioasylee, but I looked at your initial post with a micrscope this time and I didn't find the word tracker. Who are you kidding? To me, it looked like your were on a lookout for other people who have same ND and their cases were looked at few days in a row and they are as nervous wreck as you are.
Even if I give you the benefit of doubt , what was the point telling people with ND of 2001 that they are not going to get approval this year. You don't know that. You think those people aren't as anxious as you are. Dude, you need to have a little sympathy for the other folks in this forum.

You want some crap? I'll give you a bunch. Consider this that you have been warned. Next time you'll try to defend your sorry ass thread, I'll kick your behind all the way to fuc*ing Peshawar. I'll sell your sweet & sour chicken ass to a Pathaan for 2 pennies, who will know exactly what to do with that piece of shit.
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You said why did i open a thread of sharing pessemistic views, and I told I didn't, I don't know what better way to put the title to show this is a tracker, it clearly says people with ND and the months, it was nothing that concerns you , so why did you read it then? :D

You can say whatever you want and I am not going to respond or deal with your type of people, because it shows everyone what kind of a low class you are, you call me a nervouse wreck??? :D (DUDE, YOU LIVE IN THIS ROOM)
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Punjabi_Munda said:
Nice cover Ohioasylee, but I looked at your initial post with a micrscope this time and I didn't find the word tracker. Who are you kidding? To me, it looked like your were on a lookout for other people who have same ND and their cases were looked at few days in a row and they are as nervous wreck as you are.
Even if I give you the benefit of doubt , what was the point telling people with ND of 2001 that they are not going to get approval this year. You don't know that. You think those people aren't as anxious as you are. Dude, you need to have a little sympathy for the other folks in this forum.
Good job PM. Thats telling him!
I am neutrual :D
the thing is totally out of my hand, whether i am positive or not...does not make any difference.
just relax..wait for my time come
Oh now you really gonna get it.

Ohioasylee, I can see that your ass is really asking for it. I spanked it and you came back for some more. I admire your hobbies. How the hell do you think it didn't concern me when you made the comment that people with the ND of 2001 aren't gonna get approved this year? You know, now I know why your Mom told everyone in the village that when she was cleaning your ear, she was able to look through to the other side. Point of the matter, you are an air head.
As far as my class goes, I have servants like you and If you are looking for a job, I can hire you to rent me your tongue to wipe my ass.
I live in this room to watch out for low lifes like you.
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kaoticfury said:
I am neutrual :D
the thing is totally out of my hand, whether i am positive or not...does not make any difference.
just relax..wait for my time come
You're absolutely right. It's not in our hands..So what difference does it make wether our NDs' and RDs' are from 2000 or 2001 or 1960s' for that matter...!! :D Why is everyone fighting abt it?????
Just wait it. Plan for a vacation. I don't know why people are so eager to get citizenship. The only difference I notice is the convenience of travel (or vote?). After the GC, we are still supposed to have RTD as passport. We are authorized to work, paying in-state tuition, what else is difference from PR?
Punjabi_Munda said:
Ohioasylee, I can see that your ass is really asking for it. I spanked it and you came back for some more. I admire your hobbies. How the hell do you think it didn't concern me when you made the comment that people with the ND of 2001 aren't gonna get approved this year? You know, now I know why your Mom told everyone in the village that when she was cleaning your ear, she was able to look through to the other side. Point of the matter, you are an air head.
As far as my class goes, I have servants like you and If you are looking for a job, I can hire you to rent me your tongue to wipe my ass.
I live in this room to watch out for low lifes like you.

When I said that it doesn't concern you, I meant, this Thread created and titiled for People with ND of specific months of 2000, so why in the hill did you go inside and read it and when I said it is hard to believe that people with ND of 2001 might get approved by end of PY, it was based upon facts, there are people from all the months of 2000 didn't get approved, if they can approve people with ND 2001 then that is a great job, but I don't see how they can do it.

Concerning what you said about me that what they told me about my village and you will hire me, ....I came from a wealthy country and that is why it was the hardest for me to establish my case because there was not enough history of people from my home asking for asylum and back home we had lots of servants from people like you, and they were the lowest paid of all the nationalities because they are dirty, stupid, lazy, smell bad and you had to repeat things for them too many times to actually get them to do a simple task :p
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What I dont understand is, if USCIS approves 2001 cases, what can you do?? Will you burn at stake in protest????
When did I say I am against anyone getting approved by september??????????

I'll be happy if all asylees get approved this month, but reality is different, you guys don't put your hopes up and dream of things and then when someone talks with facts and wonder, you jump all over his back like Hyenas

like my word is really going to make you guys or me not recieve GC by a certain date ;)
Ohio Asylee said:
When did I say I am against anyone getting approved by september??????????

I'll be happy if all asylees get approved this month, but reality is different, you guys don't put your hopes up and dream of things and then when someone talks with facts and wonder, you jump all over his back like Hyenas

like my word is really going to make you guys or me not recieve GC by a certain date ;)

Then dont start opinionating. it is a different matter just analysing the situation...but acting authoritative is simply stupid..No one is an authority in these forums...many lawyers too dont know the inside out of USCIS and their policies...So just calm down. nothing..and I mean nothing makes a difference to USCIS..except maybe USCIS itself.. but one thing is for certain...USCIS works in myterious ways...those who get the GCs' are lucky 2000/2001 or whatever...those who dont or are delayed...lets light up candles for them...and pray..
Ohioasylee you are a clown....

You know what Ohioasylee, I think you should be in politics because you are so good at flip flopping. Open your pie hole and read your own golden words, "I am not trying to disapoint you guys, but I don't think they can process the GC with ND of 2001 by the end of this PY Sep. of 2005."

If this is what you said in your first post why are you trying to change your words and say USCIS might approve people with ND of August 2001. Get your head out of your ass. I know your are looking for some shit but for that you don't have to put your head in your ass, I'll dish it out for you right here in this thread.
How do you know, that your servants smell bad? I betcha they all took turns on you. That's why you know they smell bad. Go get your head examined Mr. Shit-head.
Well Said, Free100

Then dont start opinionating. it is a different matter just analysing the situation...but acting authoritative is simply stupid..No one is an authority in these forums...many lawyers too dont know the inside out of USCIS and their policies...So just calm down. nothing..and I mean nothing makes a difference to USCIS..except maybe USCIS itself.. but one thing is for certain...USCIS works in myterious ways...those who get the GCs' are lucky 2000/2001 or whatever...those who dont or are delayed...lets light up candles for them...and pray..

Well said, Free100 but I think this flip flopper has some facts that none of us know :confused: . I think USCIS is even not aware of those facts as of yet. :eek:
Punjabi_Munda said:
You know what Ohioasylee, I think you should be in politics because you are so good at flip flopping. Open your pie hole and read your own golden words, "I am not trying to disapoint you guys, but I don't think they can process the GC with ND of 2001 by the end of this PY Sep. of 2005."

If this is what you said in your first post why are you trying to change your words and say USCIS might approve people with ND of August 2001. Get your head out of your ass. I know your are looking for some shit but for that you don't have to put your head in your ass, I'll dish it out for you right here in this thread.
How do you know, that your servants smell bad? I betcha they all took turns on you. That's why you know they smell bad. Go get your head examined Mr. Shit-head.

My're really making it impossible for the little man to hide his face... :D
Punjabi_Munda said:
Adaab, adaab.... :) free100. You are so generous, I miss my buddy MK. I don't know how he missed all of this.
My sentiments exactly..I even informed him in one of these posts to check this thread...but seems he went to bed early!! :)