Anyone knows Canadian drivers on TN visa?


Registered Users (C)
Here is one who can not get a DL because the state
DOT says non-immigrant aliens with one year or less
on remaining visa time can not get a DL.

Do you know how he can get around this?
I got my California Driver's license on TN, but that was one year before 9/11. I don't know how it is now in California.

I don't know how to get around that. It is a catch 22 isn't it? TN visas are always for one year. Perhaps if this person can argue that this visas are renewable indefinitely and that the work is of indefinite nature, perhaps will be able to succeed.

PS: AmericanWannabe, you always seem to come out with this tricky questions. Is this case real or just one of your contrived questions?

My 2 cents.
This one is real. The person in the question has a NJ DL
and moves to PA. I suggest that he go to get Canadian DL
in Ontario. Then try to get a transfer by trying if there
is special treat for Canadian citizens. Only three
Canadian provinces (Alberta BC, and Sakaswegen -sp?)
join America's Drivers' License Compact. So if he gets PA DL
but still can keep Candian one, then use both. If he
can't get PA one, then simply use Candian DL.
Originally posted by AmericanWannabe
This one is real. The person in the question has a NJ DL
and moves to PA. I suggest that he go to get Canadian DL
in Ontario. Then try to get a transfer by trying if there
is special treat for Canadian citizens. Only three
Canadian provinces (Alberta BC, and Sakaswegen -sp?)
join America's Drivers' License Compact. So if he gets PA DL
but still can keep Candian one, then use both. If he
can't get PA one, then simply use Candian DL.

The problem with keeping the Canadian DL is insurance. In NY anyway, they will only accept an American DL for insurance. Canadian insurers will not insure you for more than a short period of time after you move, mainly due to liability. My last year in Canada (1998), the liablity portion of my insurance was $50/year for $1M Cdn. I now pay almost $300 US/6mos for $100,000 liability in NY.

I think the TN has outlived its usefulness. Have your friend ask his employer to switch to an H1B.

Originally posted by AmericanWannabe
"$300 US/6mos for $100,000 liability in NY" is very cheap. R u sure?

That only the liability part, not collision and other stuff. I live in the far 'burbs. You are right. It is much more expensive inside the city limits.
