Anyone getting ready to apply for Canadian PR?


Registered Users (C)
I am getting ready to file my application for Canadian PR. I was wondering if there are more people like me so we could help/support each other in this process.
Hi Hutch, I am currently living in Canada on a temporary visitors Visa and also getting ready to file my application for Canadian PR, My fiance and Daughter (has dual citizenship) are Canadian. I am getting married in May 2009, when I have received our marriage certificate and amended my passport I will be all set to file. I am currently filling everything out and collecting evidence to prove our relationship. Under which category are you filing?
Hi Hazel,

I am applying under skilled worker category. How about you? Do you need to take IELTS test for your application?
I don't think I need to take an IELTS test, I am from the UK and English is the only language I speak, I know little bits of french too, but not enough to say I can speak it. I had never heard of IELTS before. I am applying for PR under Spouse or Common-law partner inside Canada class.
have u already applied for PR?

Hey Hutch,
I am planning to apply for PR under Skilled Worker...
have u already applied for ur pr? or still preparing? Let me know wats ur status. i live in chicago and work in H1B.. I m waiting to finish my 1yr experience on h1b so i can take the benifit of FastTracking...

Thanks,, cya

Maybe I will be applying for Canadian PR, based on Quebec skilled worker. I am still confused with the available options though.

Vishal, can you explain about the FastTracking? I have 4 years of experience as software developer. What benefits I may have?
