Anyone dealt with Andrea Rush from Fragoman\'s?


Registered Users (C)
I\'m thinking of hiring her and want to know
what she is like. Is she responsive, good/bad etc.

Any comments on experiences with her appreciated.
If you want, you can send me a private message.

Bongo A gogo
No but...

It seems to me that you are invading her privacy by posting her full name and the firm she work for this huge public list. I am sure she would not be very happy to see her name here
Not really.

She is an attorney who is available for hire to the
general public, so I don\'t think I\'m invading her

I am asking if anyone has had a good or bad experiences
with her.

I think it makes sense to share experiences told in an
*objective* way, this is what this entire board is about.
No Title

put it in this way, She is getting good publicity.
Yeah, fdbl lawyers are good, our company also opted fragomen lawyers. But i deal with a different lawyer under fragomen.
Their services are very Expensive!!
Austin Fragomen wrote the book on immigration

Several of them actually. In my opinion, FDBL is the best immigration law firm in the country. They are certainlly expensive but the deliver exceptional service.
