anybody with RD in March please share your status. My RD is 3/16 and FP is done in 11/13, no approv

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my RD 3/20, ND 3/27, FP done on 9/4, RFE issued 12/11...waiting to see what it is once my lawyer gets the letter.
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RD 02/16
ND 03/14
FP 11/03 ( Received FP with the help of FAX enquiry)

Called Nov 16th. IIO told that they got the finger prints on Nov 10.
She was able to get the FP info with A# so the FP at that time was in national system.

Please post your FP dates because that is very important.

My RD is 03/23 ND 04/16 FP done on 9/25 , my wife did FP on 11/21 and we got our GC approved. You sh
