• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Any winner from Serbia and Montenegro???

yes, there is

Hey there,
I got it in May but since the local INS is not able to give me the right information, I'm losing my hopes. Every time I contact them they give me different info. How about you? Can we continue this in Serbian.... or whatever: Croatian, Bosnian?
RE: any winner from Serbia and Montenegro

Ej, Mrki, I'm a winner from SCG, what's your number?

My case No. is 2005EU00017*** - do you have any idea when can I expect my interview - december, january, february..?

Does anybody know the exact number of visas (issued) for Europeans - for dv2003 or 2004 (I mean - % or number of all 50.000 visas ... not of 100.000 lucky winners)?
Cao jivini,
cut off za Mart za Evropu je 17,150, tako da ako si go ovog broja onda u Martu, a ako ne najverovatnije u aprilu.

Reci mi jesi li prikupio svu dokumentaciju? Sta sve treba? Koliko para treba da imas na racunu kao garanciju za vizu?
