Any SR Travelled using AP?


Registered Users (C)
If any one from a special registeration country travelled out and back into the US using AP, please post your experience, including the Registeration at POE and if you had to register again when you came back using AP, and any impact on you being from an SR country using AP and not register upon entry may have on your case. Also, What happens if I get a 2nd FP notice with short lead time while I'm abroad (I'll be out for about a month).

I'm planning on travelling in few weeks and would like to hear from you. You input is much appreciated.

RD 2/15/2002
ND 3/6/2002
FP 6/11/2002

WTNG ...
I did...

I travelled home using AP earlier this year. My experience at the airport was uneventful. Showed my passport and AP. The officer only asked me where I went and why. Told him I went home for refreshing vacation. He smiled courteously, stamped my passport and AP, and told me "have a good day!". the whole thing took less than 2 minutes. I asked him about SR, fingerprint, interview, etc. He told me that I didn't need to register at POE or local INS, since I cleared "computerized name and security check" (IBIS and name check???), and that day was way after sept. 30 2002 (but before the call in deadline for my country), so I am not subject to SR.

Almost went to SR with attorney. But my attorney was told by local office supervisor that I don't need to do SR, for the aforementioned reason.

However, I later got RFE for FIN #. Replied with passport and I-94 copies showing entry stamp, and a brief letter arguing that I am not subject to SR because I was inspected after 9/30/02 and I was using AP. No news since then.
I have a friend who is under SR category, who travelled on AP and had no problems at all.