Any Rd around 8/7/2001 and not yet get approved, please reply


Registered Users (C)
Is it still within the error range that Rd 8/7/2001,Nd 9/18/2001 case has not been touched so far?
thanks for the replies,sk446,pls keep me posted

thanks guys for your replies. sk446, please tell me what they say if you call next week.

hope we can get approved soon. good luck to everyone!
RD 8/10/2001
ND 9/19/2001
Finger Prints Feb 2002
No RFE, No Approval yet.
May be its time to call IIO.
Call never gets thru though. Line is always busy.
Thanks for any tips (better times, weekdays).
Sabar ka phal GC

RD 07/09/2001, ND 09/19/2001, FP 01/11/2002 (for both myself and wife)

No Approval, No RFE yet.

Talked with an IIO 10 days back, said the case is with officer. Hoping to hear something soon.

Good Luck to all.