Any opinion on going for pp stampping on 9/11, Newark?


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Pls. give me your opinion on going for the pp stampping tomorrow (9/11) at Newark.

Call them

And enquire if they are closed for the day or if they have special memorial services. I know a lot of people may stack back from work tomorrow, so I wouldn't be surprised if Newark center has poor attendance. If you can try to postpone your stamping by a day or two, that would be best. Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong in showing up at their doorstep and trying your luck tomorrow. Good luck!
Does anybody know the phone number for Arlington, VA to call to check if they r working tomorrow (9/11)?

Try This Number

Press Information Office:
Call (202) 307-1565 or write to our Public Affairs Officer at:
USINS Washington District Office
ATTN: Public Affairs Officer
4422 N. Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203

Hope this helps
Hi Gita,
I also have the same question. I asked several people, everyone has different views. Some People say crowd will be less tomorrow. I asked one americans view he says he wouldn't go..b'cos people r crazy and they might show their anger on u. so i really don't know.
that's pathetic

If someone would show anger on you that's sick. I mean, like their father or grandfather,we are also immigrants and what makes anyone blame us for what happened last year.

Of all reasons, don't make this one for not going, face it and handle it properly.When the rest of America is going gaga on bravery tomorrow, you don't show cowardice.
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Anyway..I am thinking of going tomorrow..may be less crowd or it might takelonger time also(if they have any memorial services)


I have got my approval notice on 09/05. I am going on 09/18 to Newark. I think better to avoid 9/11...there may be some prejudice.
It might be unsafe...

rather than being prejudiced, I think. What I mean by that is there is no reason for not being able to get the pp stamped but there may be terrorist attacks tomorrow as the US govt has raised the security level from YELLOW to ORANGE. And, INS being a govt. office, terrorists may find that enticing. I would refrain from "trying to save some time" (for going on a day of less crowd) than "saving life" now!
I wanted to avoid 9/11 at all costs. I went and got my passport stamped yesterday. Read my other post.
Mixed feeling

Its really hard being an immigrant to go out on 9/11
What I was thinking is instead of going to city for work on 9/11 it is better to goto Newark.

I will let you know my experience tomorrow.

I am going...

I am going for PP stamping tomorrow (9/11) at Newark office.
If any one of you know their contact number and direction from Newark Penn station, please let me know.
