Any one RD after 04/23/2001 and no FP


Registered Users (C)
My RD is 04/23/2001 and still didn\'t get FP. Can some one who got FP and whose RD is after 4/23 can post responses. Thanks.
My Receipt# WAC-01-164-XXXXX
same date for me, no FP yet

No FP yet, but I did get my AP in the mail and I did go to INS and get interim EAD after 90 days. Still waiting for the "real" EAD card.
Wrong question!

Should be "any one filing after 04/23 got FP" :)
Buddy, we are still in the end of the FP line, so why bother ourselves so early?
Right, we are at the end of the queue.

There are a few people with WAC#\'s of 01-160-5xxxx who
have got FP notices.

Very few people got WAC#\'s between 01-170-5xxx till
01-220-5xxxx because that is when the CSC front log
problem happened.

I hope that we don\'t see a big discontinium in FP notice processing
time between WAC#\'s 01-170 and 01-220 because even though
the notice dates are far apart the receipt dates are not!

Bongo A Gogo A Going Slowly

There are a lot of people with Rd as early as March 23, 2001, they still have\'nt got their FP, we need to wait for our turn
ND 02/01, RD 02/01 No FP Notice yet.

ND 02/01, RD 02/01 Still waiting for FP Notice...San Jose , CA