Any Eb2 Oct/nov 99 Nd Still Waiting Approval


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What\'s happenning to EB2 OCT and NOV cases?? This is unconstitutonal!!!!

This is very frustating!!! I think INS might have lost all our OCT 99 cases. My details:

PD 5/8/98
RD 9/24/99
ND 10/4/99
FP 3/2/01
No RFE yet and no approval in sight.
Called INS last week (Friday) and was told that my case is on a shelf.

I think INS is completely ignoring the OCT cases and processing JAN cases. I see people sho gave FP last week getting approvals.

INS is a shady institution and no body knows what\'s happening there. IIO\'s are a work of art. I am planning on suing INS. I sopke to my attorney and he thinks there is a case against INS here.
They are processing cases in a complete out of order. It is good that we have visa numbers available, but what is the situation when the numbers are not available.
The people who applied for I-485 after OCT and NOV and (with PD atleast 1 1&1/2 years after me) are getting the green cards before us. (I am actually happy for those who got green card). And when they exhaust visa numbers we ahev to some times wait 2-3 months to get the approval. This is totally wrong.

Any comments and input from experts appreciated.
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I agree that they are working out of the order. My ND: 11/99 and FP: 3/01 but on April 9th they issued an RFE\'s for my kids. I am EB2 (India)
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I am still waiting. EB2, PD:11/25/97, ND:10/7/99, FP:3/15/01, RFE:4/4/01. Response to the RFE is expected to be completed next week.