Any correlation- A/P RFE and 485 approval


Registered Users (C)
Has anybody that received a RFE on a pending A/P, experienced that thier 485 close to adjudication also got approved shortly?

Is there any correlation that responding to a A/P RFE also kick starts the 485 file?

I know of a case where an expedited processing of A/P was followed by 485 actually getting processed. Not sure if one lead to another or it was pure coincidence...

hence the above question.

Similar situation....

Our AP is pending RD 04/03 & 485 RD 09/01, received RFE for AP in Dec, replied a month back but no action. AP message talks about getting RFE that's all.

Hoping against hope that you are right & AP RFE triggers my dormant 485.


I am also in the same boat. Issued RFE in 12/29/2003. Accepted RFE Response date as in INS site is 01/15/2004. Still, no word...
same boat. RFE for AP in Dec and waiting for AP Approval. Interestingly they send FP notice on 7th Jan 2004, scheduled on 13th Feb.

I have changed address in December 2003, do not know what triggered my FP....
They are waiting for the AP Printing Paper for your cases approved and send it to you. After eating our money, they are short of Paper (Even Tissue...:D :D :D ) to clean.

They just want to time pass your applicaitons to be approved, they are issuing RFE's and waiting for your reply, before they got paper from their warehouse or printing press.

After some time they need Cards also.....Make sure when approvals comes don't get Cards Shortage.....

All the best u guys, wait for approvals soon.

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Things go from bad to worse

Running out of paper ???

How ridiculous is that - did they underestimate how many trees to cut in India and Brazil ?

Seriously folks, before trying to clean up Enron, Tyco and Martha's mess, DOJ should look inside their own house (DHS).

In a private sector, all these officers would have gotten pink slips by now for their inefficiency/ poor management - and btw, all their job would have been offshored !

The only reason we put up with all this is because it is done in the name of increased security! We all hope that is not another fast one like the 'Iraq has WMD' act that this administration pulled.

On a lighter note, so who cares about legal immigrants anyways - INS knows we are all too risk averse to do anything dramatic - hence we quitely wait in line, while the aggresive guys jump borders, sit in overnight trucks or hide in boats and come here - and then get into the queue ahead of us, thanks to you know who....
One day they will run out of plastic and then they will start issuing EAD and GC card from China or some other contry...
What do you make of it?

FYI, just checked, RFE has been issued for me & wife's 485 today. My AP RFE papers were received by TSC Dec 19th. Online message still same "Received your response to RFE" but 485 online message changed today to "Mailed notice requesting additional evidence or info"

Do you guys think any co-relation?
