Any citizenship denials for leaving sponsoring employer (EB)early?


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I left my sponsoring employer 3 months after getting my GC (emp based) mainly because of better opportunity and growth.
Will there be any prob during citizenship, anyone has filed like this and got it approved?
Any citizenship denial/problems that you are aware of?
Is it advisable to file after 1 yr(I'm eligible now) as 5 years emp history is needed?
I spent some time researching this issue on this forum and on the internet. Also talked to an immigration layer outside of his office hours without any personal ties. So far I have not been able to find any case when somebody was denied citizenship because of leaving the sponsoring employer “too soon” or changing employers before GC approval under AC21 whether papers were submitted or not.

The following happened in the cases I found:

1. The employment history has never even come up on the interview.
2. The employment history came up on the interview even if it was outside of the statuory 5 years (!). The IO asked the individual to list all employers all the way back to his sponsoring employers. After giving oral explanation about the job change IO was satisfied.
3. The individual was asked to show proof of “same or similar” position.

The layer told something completely different though. He claims being told by an IO first hand that after GC approval the employment history makes no difference and cannot be the sole ground of the denial of naturalization. Whether it is true or not I don’t know.

However if you think about it. If DHS would permanently bar people getting naturalized because of employment history it would put you into the same category as murderers or sex offenders.

My personal opinion: Since I found it a non-issue I would not worry about it. I would go ahead and file the paperwork.
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Thanks a lot for the details, I also have seen many threads saying you should stay with the sponsoring employer for 6-12 months but there is no definite reason or answer since the intention doesn't change if it is 3 or 6 or 12 months, if that was the case they wouldn't have allowed AC21.

I would still appreciate if someone who has gone thru it (practically) can respond which will give a peace of mind to many of us. Even I never heard of any denials so far and know many ppl who have left just after 1 month for a better offer.
The layer told something completely different though. He claims being told by an IO first hand that after GC approval the employment history makes no difference and cannot be the sole ground of the denial of naturalization.
I would agree that it cannot be the sole basis for denial; they would have to look at the circumstances involved. Suppose the company decided to relocate their office to Alaska and you resigned because you didn't want to go. I don't see them ever denying naturalization for that. But other people without such circumstances might not fare so well.
However if you think about it. If DHS would permanently bar people getting naturalized because of employment history it would put you into the same category as murderers or sex offenders.
Well, there are already less serious offenses than murder and sex crimes that are permanent bars to naturalization, if they choose to hold it against you. For example, if you voted in a presidential election before becoming a citizen, or you obtained your GC via a fake marriage, they can deny your naturalization and deport you, no matter how long ago it happened.
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I switched employer 6 months after getting GC. I got my GC using AC21 under EB2. I have my N400 interview on 4/9/2009. IO asked my employer name (current) and position. He verified that with N400 application. Thats it. The case is approved. But he asked me all 10 questions on the test!!!

I donot know if this is the right thread to ask this Question. Any help regarding this Question is greatly appreciated.

If the primary sponsor leaves for maternity leave for 3-5 months would that effect Citizenship.

I had changed jobs before getting my GC - using AC21

No questions were asked abt my employment history - Got citizenship last month
I donot know if this is the right thread to ask this Question. Any help regarding this Question is greatly appreciated.

If the primary sponsor leaves for maternity leave for 3-5 months would that effect Citizenship.
I suppose you meant the primary beneficiary?

If you returned to the employer after maternity leave, there's no way your citizenship or green card will be affected. That is the equivalent of staying with the employer all along.

If you resigned from the company, you're still OK if you apply now; we don't know of anything now that indicates your departure after 3-5 months would be a problem. It's only a problem if something happens to change the legal landscape between now and when you apply (e.g. an unfavorable court case).

There are 12 million illegals in this country going about their lives. USCIS has no time to sue them. You think they are going to deny and invite being sued for something as small as this? Probably not. A particular officer may make a big deal, but in the big picture of things, this is a trivial matter. Criminal convictions and other such issues are more important. A genuine change of job would not rate as high as a say a fraudulent marriage. For some people it takes several years to get their green cards and so, no surprise they might change their jobs as soon as they get their green cards or even using AC 21.

Good luck:) Please post your experience in any case.

In my case I was never asked specifically about it. Though in my case I am in the same job as a US citizen, that was also my H1B and Green card sponsor:)
thanks for the prompt reply appreciate it.
primary beneficiary if unable to work for a year or so then too the same answers apply or does it change. thanks Again
primary beneficiary if unable to work for a year or so then too the same answers apply or does it change. thanks Again
N400(please help IMP) - Never joined the company that filed the Green Card

I work for Y company for 10 years. "X" company filed for my Green Card and i got it. I never joined the "X" company and i am now thinking of filling N400.
I work in the same industry that was mentioned in the "X" companies Green Card filing.

Will i have any problems when i go for my interview. As i have read you earlier notes that as long as i am in the same industry as per the Green Card filling i should be fine.

Please let me know.
N400(please help IMP) - Never joined the company that filed the Green Card

I work for Y company for 10 years. "X" company filed for my Green Card and i got it. I never joined the "X" company and i am now thinking of filling N400.
I work in the same industry that was mentioned in the "X" companies Green Card filing.

Will i have any problems when i go for my interview. As i have read you earlier notes that as long as i am in the same industry as per the Green Card filling i should be fine.

Please let me know.

Same industry only applies if you are already working for the GC sponsor and ended up leaving that employer 6+ months after applying for adjustment of status due to unforeseen circumstances.
See my response in your other post
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It all depends on your luck.
If your company wrote something adversely and reported to INS - which I doubt, the IO may ask you something. When My friend went for interview they asked him - he left within 3 months - because his company informed INS about many employees leaving the company due to an Audit on them. However, he had emails from HR terminating his job, he had no issue.

Again, as mentioned by many in this forum, there was no denial on the basis of employment change. If anyone has no criminal records, it is just a formality. So dont worry. You will realize this after the interview :)

Good luck man.
I left my sponsoring employer 3 months after getting my GC (emp based) mainly because of better opportunity and growth.
Will there be any prob during citizenship, anyone has filed like this and got it approved?
Any citizenship denial/problems that you are aware of?
Is it advisable to file after 1 yr(I'm eligible now) as 5 years emp history is needed
Do you get your citizenship yet i am looking too???
I left my sponsoring employer 3 months after getting my GC (emp based) mainly because of better opportunity and growth.
Will there be any prob during citizenship, anyone has filed like this and got it approved?
Any citizenship denial/problems that you are aware of?
Is it advisable to file after 1 yr(I'm eligible now) as 5 years emp history is needed?
Hi do you are us citizens now my situation is kinf of similar like you