Any Chinese Applicant waiting for Name Checking


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I am a chinese native and thought my name is so ordianry and had no way to be the looooooong name check process. However, after the interview, I was told that my name check is pending.
I am wondering what chinese names could be possible in the circle:

what I can think some names that have some English meaning such as: You, He, Bin, etc are ones.

Any commnet and information?

Best Regards!
i forgot to ask you last time. how long have you been waiting since your last interview (and i think it was your first interview) with USCIS?

did you ask it was a FBI name check pending? or the USCIS IBIC (whatever it is.. i keep forgetting the name) check?
Thank U for your attention.
My interview is Nov. 29, 2005 (not too long but would be very looooong, right?)
I was clearly told the FBI name cheecking pending and I was told by the officer it will take a few more mouths, (but I do not believe it would take only a few mouths according to the information and expereices from this forum).
aimei_mei said:
Thank U for your attention.
My interview is Nov. 29, 2005 (not too long but would be very looooong, right?)
I was clearly told the FBI name cheecking pending and I was told by the officer it will take a few more mouths, (but I do not believe it would take only a few mouths according to the information and expereices from this forum).

it is about 1.5 months since your last / first interview.

i would suggest you to get an infopass and check on your status. i replied to Mr. LA the same thing. However, he said the officer told him it was the USCIS background check, just like mine. but i was not told my FBI name check was cleared or not thou.

edit: btw, i do not see too many chinese / taiwanese are in this forum, otherwise it would be good if they could also provide some feedbacks to you too. however, i still think getting an infopass to check it out is a good idea in this moment.
I am from China and I have a very common last name. My NC was pending too. I was told by my congressman and senator's offices that it was pending b/c of my common last name. But it is not necessarilly always true. I know somebody from China who has a very uncommon last name and he is stuck in NC; but his wife who has quite common 1st and last names passed interview w/o problem and took the same day oath.
i have a very common last name. i think it is even the top 3 common last name for chinese people. i got stucked a bit.. but it was not the name check thou.