Any April RD cases waiting for approval.....please post details here


Registered Users (C)
RD: 04/27 ND:07/12 PD:06/1997 Fp: 11/27 Ad : do not when.....
same old tune "your FP received and procssing resumed ....bla bla bla...."
Njite keep posting if any changes you may have ......on your approval.

Since we both have the same RD and ND.....hopefully they should pick up our file and approve within this week....

Spoke to IIO last week monday he told me that the case is still not yet any officer....
No Title

RD-4/19, ND 7/3, still waiting. The last I heard was that they are processing by ND. God help us all. Good Luck to all.
my I-140 was for AOS.....

i think they the INS picks up cases like they pick from a box of chocklet...guys we need to be patient .....i know its hard i check daily for my messages...and i hear the same old tune ....nothing we can do but wait...keep posting guys....we shoudl have our turn any time do not let go your sprit.....of FREEDOM