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any algerian here???


Registered Users (C)
i've seen that more than 1000 of us(i'm algerian)won the DV-2005...since i don't know anyone who got it in my area(Bejaia),i would like to know if some one of the winners are now in USA...
what is it like guys??
i'm gonna register for the 3rd time...wish me some baraka :)
and mabrouk to every algerian winner(oh yes for the rest too)
Wish you lots of baraka

warlock78 said:
i've seen that more than 1000 of us(i'm algerian)won the DV-2005...since i don't know anyone who got it in my area(Bejaia),i would like to know if some one of the winners are now in USA...
what is it like guys??
i'm gonna register for the 3rd time...wish me some baraka :)
and mabrouk to every algerian winner(oh yes for the rest too)

Hi Warlock78,

Living in the US is great, specially in California. The weather is just as good, if not better, than Bejaia. Wish you lots of Baraka (you will need it) in the DV 2006. Make sure you follow the instructions exactly. You can get all the information you need at http://DV2006.com