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any accurat news about cancelling dv2007???????????????????????????????????


Registered Users (C)
hi all

can please anyone tell us about the cancelling of DV2007 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

we really need accuart information ..........................

& we need answer for surt question plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

can they still cancel dv2007 after releasing oct. interviews results ?!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
medococo, you are annoying everyone at this forum with your annoying questions. All you do is open stupid topics and raise panic amongst people that don't know alot about the lottery. You are making a fool out of yourself.

If you have good and normal questions please do ask them. If not, please don't open dumb topics like this anymore!

Thank you.

(isn't there a moderator around here to deal with these kind of things?)
Muke said:
medococo, you are annoying everyone at this forum with your annoying questions. All you do is open stupid topics and raise panic amongst people that don't know alot about the lottery. You are making a fool out of yourself.

If you have good and normal questions please do ask them. If not, please don't open dumb topics like this anymore!

Thank you.

(isn't there a moderator around here to deal with these kind of things?)
i'm totally agree with you Muke , the problem with medococo that he is not doing enough research and come with the questions in a very annoying way .
i searched about cancelling the DV2007 i found nothing ,all what wrote that Congress has the authority to cancel or modify the divarsity visa program in a spasific fiscal year and if they are willing to do that they have to take the decision befor 1st of OCT-2006.
the most funny thing i found that ppl were talking in other forum about cancelling DV2006 :) and one of them say that the KCC had been announced internally that DV2006 will be cancelled .
Conclusion: lets leave the rumors behind.
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Me too agree with you.
I was going to have a heart attack when I read his words.
This is the second time he gives irresonsible comments.
A lot thank for all who are trying to help.
Heres a little background info if you are new to this lottery cancellation news!

US Govt is made up of Senate and House of Representatives. These 2 branches collectively is known as Congress.

For anything to become law, the bill (proposed law) needs to be passed in Senate and passed in House of Representatives in identical forms. Then it goes for President for signing and then becomes law with the actual enactment date of the new law being mentioned in the bill itself.

House of Representatives late last year passed immigration bill which among other major things
(e.g illegal immigrants to be convicted of felony) proposed to cancell DV lottery effective from 1st Oct 2006 (which is when the new fiscal year begins).

Senate ealier this year in May passed immigration which among other major things (e.g illegal immigrants to be given amnesty) proposed to changed DV lottery so 2/3rds of the visas go to Phd/Master Degree holders and 1/3rd to go to normal high school qualified applicants.

Just because the 2 bills from Senate and House are different, it needs to be reconciled in a conference committee (made up of Senators and House Representatives) and then sent back to each house for voting and if passed by both, then goes to President for signing and then becomes law.

Currently congress is in recess (not working ) and House Representatives are holding field hearings on senate bill meaning talking to general public about the pros and cons of Senate bill.

When congress gets back from recess on Sept 5th, thats the earliest they can form conference committee let alone go thru the whole compromise process and then voting by each house on final bill and then president signature.

There will be 18 legislative days left from 5th Sept till end of Sept within which the immigration bill must be passed as law for it to affect DV2007. And when congress gets back from recess, immigration bill is not the only issue that will be worked on during that time. There are so many other issues/bills waiting to be deliberated and passed to be made law before congress goes for adjournment from Oct 6th 2006 for Nov elections.

At this stage it looks unlikely that it may happen before Sept end as both are fiercely defending their own and not wanting to make compromises on major parts of the bill. DV lottery is a small issue embedded in the bill

Some even speculate the final bill may not even pass as law this year and if that were to happen then both bills would be killed as this is last session of congress and everything would have to start fresh from next session/year. A more likely scenario is that bill being passed after Nov 2006 elections in which case DV2007 will be safe but changes may affect DV2008

But if a final compormised bill were passed by conference committee and both houses ,and signed by president in Sept 2006 then by law it will be effective for DV2007 and future lotterys,whatever the proposal (cancellation or visa reducation)for lottery is adopted.

In theory and by law DV2007 winners even after getting appointment letter for interview in Oct 2006 maybe be refused visa just because congress passed the law in Sept 06 effective from 1st Oct 2006 which is when the DV2007 fiscal year starts for visa issuance.

The question is if JUST BEFORE the bill were to be passed in Sept then will they (conference committee) consider the significant progress being made in the DV2007 lottery and amend the effective date to be from 1st oct 2007 or will State Dept have enough power regardless of effective date to see DV2007 thru as per normal and let the laws apply to consequent lotterys.
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very nice said ! i hope medocco reads this, saves this on his computer, even prints this , and finaly get relaxed ! :)
thanks deuce

do you have any updates on this bill. i am so nervous about this whole thing being changed or cancelled.
let them cancl it

let them cancl it....god is there man.... :) cool down forgate every think ..let god decide ..the best ..
i had rung KCC to confirm that my application was processing and once given the usual it will be sometime before you get called for interview probably early next year.

Then i took a deep breath and asked if DV2007 would be cancelled as i had seen in news that the lottery was possibly going to be cancelled
she replied saying that any changes including cancellation would not affect DV2007 lottery as they had already started scheduling interviews.
Normally they dont make any specific comments and give a general "KCC has not been notified of any changes" answer. But this time she was very specific with the answer and i have more hope that dv2007 will be safe
As most will be aware by now the "comprehensive" immigration bill looks dead for this year!

Both Immigration bills from Senate and House of Representatives were meant to be reconciled in a conference committee but that has not happened yet and chances of it happening before Congress goes into recess end of next week is next to nothing.....in fact it might very well be Dead for this session and hence everything will need to restart from next session(2007)!!

And that means changes to lottery as anticipated will not happen before 1st Oct as most had anticipated fearing DV2007 to be cancelled or altered with Visa reduction

But whats happening now is that instead of reconciling the 2 bills, House has passed another border bill called the Secure Fence Act H.R 6061 which mainly is about adding more border fence and heavy punishment for illegals. It does not contain anything about lottery. Basically House and Senate republicans are re doing immigration issue in pieces and passing a series of immigration bills mostly related to border and illegal immigrants.

This bill is currently in Senate and more then likely will be voted on Monday (25th Sept). Very unlikely Senate will add anything about lottery as ammendment to this bill.

House has passed another 3 separate bills since H.R 6061 last week, again all about border protection/illegal deportation etc and none of them mentions DV lottery.

The reason being they simply want to get something passed before election for political reasons and bills with just having border issues will pass thru more easily thru Senate and save lengthy debate/delays in conference committee and ultimately pass before they go for election recess before end of this month. More bills will be introduced by House next week and unlikely to have any lottery amendments.

These new border bills are being voted on strict timelines in both House and Senate with very little or no ammendments allowed so again very unlikely any Lottery ammendments will added to the existing Secure Fence Act or the series of news ones coming out of House next week.

So in Summary DV2007 is safe 99%

DV2008 will happen but likely to be affected by changes from immigration changes (assuming no cancellation changes happen) likely to pass in 2007

Infact a very good indicator of Lottery changes to affect DV2008 is State Depts anticipation of Visa reduction change where bulk of visas go to Masters/Phd holders. And that can be seen by the change to DV2008 registration where applicants indicate the highest level of education when filling out the DV 2008 entry form. So if visa reduction law was passed say in 2007, KCC could easily filter out applicants to the 2/3 and 1/3 category.
Its Official - DV2007 is 100% safe as it enters into its Fiscal year from 1st Oct 2006.

Senate passed the secure fence act in the exact form as passed by House of Representatives which mainly deals with illegal immigration penalties and building of fences on the border. No ammendment was added to this bill for DV Lottery changes.

When Congress returns from Nov elections on Nov9th it will have very short window of opportunity to pass the pending comprehensive immigration bill which has lottery clauses. Unlikely anything will happen before they adjourn the 109th session again meaning all pending bills including the comprehensive immigration bill dies and everything will have to start from fresh froom 2007.

So good news for DV2007 winners and for DV2008, things look good for now...
deuce said:
Its Official - DV2007 is 100% safe as it enters into its Fiscal year from 1st Oct 2006.

So good news for DV2007 winners and for DV2008, things look good for now...

Thank's GOD :D
the schedule for interviews alrady happend in turky look down

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2007AF2633 DV 10/2/2006 08:30:00
2007AS159 DV 10/12/2006 08:30:00
2007AS191 DV 10/16/2006 08:30:00
2007AS197 DV 10/17/2006 08:30:00
2007AS220 DV 10/18/2006 08:30:00
2007AS225 DV 10/19/2006 08:30:00
2007AS246 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007AS275 DV 10/19/2006 08:30:00
2007AS315 DV 10/31/2006 08:30:00
2007AS401 DV 10/26/2006 08:30:00
2007AS527 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007AS584 DV 10/31/2006 08:30:00
2007AS587 DV 10/2/2006 08:30:00
2007AS611 DV 10/3/2006 08:30:00
2007AS704 DV 10/4/2006 08:30:00
2007AS716 DV 10/5/2006 08:30:00
2007AS738 DV 10/10/2006 08:30:00
2007AS842 DV 10/11/2006 08:30:00
2007AS865 DV 10/12/2006 08:30:00
2007AS880 DV 10/16/2006 08:30:00
2007AS923 DV 10/17/2006 08:30:00
2007AS936 DV 10/18/2006 08:30:00
2007AS1001 DV 10/19/2006 08:30:00
2007AS1010 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007AS1065 DV 10/31/2006 09:00:00
2007AS1268 DV 10/31/2006 09:30:00
2007AS1369 DV 10/26/2006 08:30:00
2007AS1525 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007EU78 DV 10/3/2006 08:30:00
2007EU167 DV 10/4/2006 08:30:00
2007EU188 DV 10/5/2006 08:30:00
2007EU521 DV 10/10/2006 08:30:00
2007EU587 DV 10/11/2006 08:30:00
2007EU730 DV 10/12/2006 08:30:00
2007EU823 DV 10/16/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1068 DV 10/17/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1113 DV 10/18/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1121 DV 10/19/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1131 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1196 DV 10/31/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1272 DV 10/12/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1308 DV 10/26/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1317 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1420 DV 10/31/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1429 DV 10/2/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1576 DV 10/3/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1730 DV 10/4/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1927 DV 10/5/2006 08:30:00
2007EU1990 DV 10/10/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2117 DV 10/11/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2245 DV 10/12/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2363 DV 10/16/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2391 DV 10/17/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2427 DV 10/18/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2434 DV 10/19/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2469 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2492 DV 10/16/2006 08:45:00
2007EU2525 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2740 DV 10/26/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2799 DV 10/30/2006 08:30:00
2007EU2812 DV 10/31/2006 08:30:00
2007EU3206 DV 10/2/2006 08:30:00
2007EU3267 DV 10/3/2006 08:30:00
2007EU3320 DV 10/4/2006 08:30:00
2007EU3347 DV 10/5/2006 08:30:00
2007EU3420 DV 10/10/2006 08:30:00
2007EU3430 DV 10/11/2006 08:30:00

Updated on September 29, 2006

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