Another stamping experience @ SJC


Registered Users (C)
My approval notice asked me to go to SFO, but SJC is nearer to my place and I work in Mtn View so went to SJC.

- Reached center at 6:45 AM.
- 6th in line
- Do not ask anybody, just go and stand in appointment line.
- 7:00 AM, they let you in. Make sure you have your DL handy and if you have camera cellphone leave it in your car.
- Usual security checking and then picked the token number.
- The lady at token counter asked me where I live, simply said santa clara county. She asked me to put my address on approval notice while waiting to get called. Do not do that, I did that but nobody cared. More on this later.
- Got called at 7:45AM by an IIO. A friendly guy, gave him my notice, I-94, photos and passport. He did not ask for EAD and AP and I did not venture out to gave those myself.
- Seeing my handwritten address, he thought its a new address. I told him INS has the same address on file. Even though my address was in SFO jurisdiction he was cool about it. He took sometime in filling a form. Took my signature and index fingerprint.
- Stamped passport on the spot. Explained the ususal to me that I can travel and work on this stamp and should get my card in 6-12 month. If lucky may be in 3 months.
- Said thank you to him and was out of the center by 8:00AM.

BTW the stamp is most low-tech piece of action. Half of it is hand-filled, I would understand if some airlines personnel takes it as a fraud job...:D