Another question


Registered Users (C)
What happens if someone was charged with drug trafficing but found not guilty outside of the us.

Would that stop the green card from being issued even if you are married to a US citizen.

Again the person was charged by the police but not convicted by the courts.

Person was found NOT GUILTY and has no criminal record.
Did that person was arrested? well, if that person was charge got arrested I think...the question of being arrested could come up but I don't know the results of that, now since it was on charge of drugs that is something different. Even this person wasn't found guilty there is a record that the person was arrested by that kind of charge. The officer at the time of interview can make his/her own assestment.
In the adjusment of status form there is a part that if inside or outside the US they ask about if you have been arrested,cited, charged,indicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, excluding a traffic violations.
Not much of an answer... sorry!

I can't say with any authority, but it is my understanding that when you get a police report it states the charge with the verdict or outcome. I think that the immigration officer would see this and it might raise alarm bells but they would ask for more information about the situation at the interview. I would think also that it would be common sense to also consider the country that it occured in, that is if the countries police are known for being hasty about charging people or if they have a harsh policy on drugs it would affect how important they consider the case. I'm not sure if I've explained myself well enough, but as far as I can gather I'm not sure an immigration officer would look into it that much. You can probably count on it being raised in the interview though and I guess it really comes down to the immigration officer you get. Not much help, I know, but I hope it turns out okay for you. :)