Another Evaluation Please


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I have already appplied for EB-1 OR (see my signature).
But, I was thinking whether my wife should apply NIW and whether does she qualify. Gurus out here can help? Please
She has her Phd in basic reaserach (from a lab with noble prize nominee), not many publications, only 4. So, not many citations.
But, her reasearch was in anticancer drug, a cancer known to be the leading cause of fatality and distress here and throughout the world. Her Phd thesis has led this drug into a clinical trial, and is now on its way for approval for marketing. But, it is still in pipeline. Further, she is continuing to work in same field. What do you all think?
Thank you,
There are good chances but why would you want to apply? Is this a precautionary effort in case the OR fails?

As for chances, do you know if there are any citations for those 4 publications. But IMO the chances are good.
Hello GC-Hopes,
Yes this is to have a backup plan.
No, there is only one citation each. Lots of data was not published as the drug was going into clinical trial. And the company restricted few things from publishing.
Hello GC-Hopes,
Yes this is to have a backup plan.
No, there is only one citation each. Lots of data was not published as the drug was going into clinical trial. And the company restricted few things from publishing.

Since the company is imposing restrictions on the drug before it is marketed...are you sure you can gather enough letters from prople concerned (her PI, company representatives etc) who can talk about the drug and the impact?
I guess the drug would be the center-piece of the application and if, due to any conflicts with disclosure etc, you are unable to gather and submit substantial documents at this time, it would be better to wait a little till everyone connected with this can write for you.....or till your wife's publications on the subject are out. I think citations of the publications would be a critical thing.

Just my 2 cents