Another Dallas Stamping Experience


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Here is our experience with passprot stamping at Dallas.

We went on a Friday at 8:40am. Asked to take a token number at the door (there was a desi at the token counter- hmmm... INS trying to relate to its customers ???)

Proceeded inside with the token immidiately- there was no queue to get in. Once inside waited for 25 mins for the token number to flash on the display. Went to the appropriate counter where the officer collected
--A/Ps (spouse's A/P was pending at that time- actually it got approved on Friday itself, so I had no idea going in for stamping. Officer said not to worry about it)
--2 INS style photos
--Approval letters

(We also had DLs and SSN cards but they were not asked for. ID verification was done off the passports.)

Officer stapled all relevant stuff into 2 sets of docs and wrote up the physical card request forms. If you want to have your cards sent to another address, this is where you would tell the officer to enter the new address. We were asked to sign and provide a FP of the index fingers only (-the low tech way with ink, as opposed to the high tech way we did our prior finger printing with the huge scanners etc).

That's it - passports were stamped with some cheap ink that blotches onto other side of the passport page.

End ot end time was 45 mins. We were driving in back at 9:30am.

Have to say the last phase of the green card process (Stamping) was really professional - ofcourse now they better start treating you with respect - you are no longer alien non-residents :)

hope this helps those who are up next....