An interesting observation


Registered Users (C)
TSC group is the least active group in

Look at following chart (As of 25th july 2003, 1:10 EST) :

Service Center | #Posts | #Threads
Vermont | 1,81,066 | 28,989
California | 80,026 | 11,739
Nebraska | 36,975 | 6,528
Texas | 22,426 | 4,188

What could be the reason for TCS group being less active than other groups?

RD 5/24/2002
ND 5/28/2002
PD 1/2001

That is because we are in dire hopeless situation. Nobody, even at top of their positive thinking, seeing anything positive here. We kept our spirits high and kept our positive attitude until May. That is when we thought things will get better, but nothing hapenned. Basically we spent all our avenues to see some movement. What we need now are some spiritual classes.
That's because we have so few approvals lately. one approval would prompt a thread and dozens of followups.

Also it is also very depressing to see the people from other service centers got approved, and their NDs are normally 6 months to one year later than ours. Some of us don't really want to come back to this forum to feel that emotion again.

Talk about fairness in this world. There is no hope. I am not coming back.
No good reason to come and visit this forum

People have lost hope. There are no good NEWS to cheer people up.

That is why not much posts here in this forum. I check this forum every hour in hope for some good news.

BCIS has totally isolated us from TSC by implementing 1-800 number system rather than a 214 number.

This is not fair.
what can we do

till now we have signed petitions and that did not help us, so where do we go from here, maybe a morcha...........

This is all true. Speaking of TRU , where did he go?

I visit this forum many times a day, but hope is waining. I am still praying that my GC is approved in less than 990 days, but with this progress, it seems doubtful.

PD 11/08/99
RD 11/07/01
I agree that TSC is The Slowest Centre but
Few days back , for our data consolidation project,
I had made an attempt to read thru CSC forums.
There are few threads where they have just written bad words for BCIS in diff languages or arguing abt some other crap.
Such threads are useless and I don't feel our forum has made of these iirelevant discussions/arguments.
After all quality shd matter rather than quantity.
C'mon guys, don't give in just yet. I know its been a frustrating wait all this while but don't lose hope.

I would be lying if I said that I have been an optimist all thru' this process because there have been days when I too had almost given up but then such days have been few. A new approval would raise my spirits and keep me going.

Maybe this whole waiting game has had its benefits too ... taught us patience ... plenty of it. I would think we ought to make use of this patience in our other daily activities. This would go a long way in making this world a better place to live in. Besides, this has been an informative journey for all of us ... made a lot of us aware of the immigration laws to say the least and taught us one other very important aspect of life ... sharing .... of ideas, thoughts, views on different matters, experience ... .
Got a few like minded people together.

It would do no good to anyone if we kept using obscenities at each other. Atleast this TSC forum has avoided that and that in itself is a good deed considering the fact that we do not even know or have spoken each other in person. This is harmony.

Well, this is just my two cents. Feel free to comment further.

I agree it is very frustrating not seeing approvals at all. But I think this forum is great. I have learned many things from all of you and I will continue coming to this forum even after my case gets approved.
fraternal spirit

most of us are tied through the common thread of misery. in light of this knowledge, along with the perceived injustice, this is a community with its heart in the right place. a crucible of information, a help-line, well-meaning initiatives and a support system, albeit with its share of bad apples - hats off to all who help sponsor and structure this forum, and dedicate invaluable time to contribute. this is a reminder that the existence of such a community is an achievement in itself... don't give up and thank you !
You are right!

I am deeply depressed w/ current the TSC processing. I almost always feel better during my deepest darkness when I browse this website, reading how people are continuing fighting and how people sharing each other's thoughts. and encouragements.
Thank you!
The processing time at TSC is so much longer, so we have a lot more experts on the TSC board, thus reducing the need for newbies to ask the same questions that have already been asked. Our collective knowledge is very useful for all newbies just by reading the old posts.

The other boards have fewer experts, since they get approved sooner, and do not see as many different scenarios that occur during the process. so the newbies need to ask those strange questions, and all the peope on the board give this "opinions" or "best guess" but there are much fewer experts who actually know the answers.

Then, of course, there are people like "IamShantu" who just ask a ton of silly questions. :D