Amazing, Amazing :-(

Vinod Gistik

Registered Users (C)
It is amazing to me to see how many people are willing to waste their time and energy for getting a piece of plastic called the GC
If the same time and energy is invested in inventing something useful, US would be handing the GC to you on a platter for not leaving the country and staying here.

Why do you want to stay here in the first place? Skilled knowledgable people have no lack of good places to go. Go to home and make yourself useful.
Right now you are a burden to society and creating unnecssary web traffic.
Wonders....what are you doing in this web-site.
I'm sure you've gained valueable information here. We need guys like you to show what negative energy means.
Not a question of negative energy, my boy ( or girl, you never know on the web.. heh heh )
Just don't waste your time here thinking about GC. It will come when it will come ( or not come ) Why do you worry ? you should just think about what you can contribute to this world.. not where... go to bangladesh or ethiopia and help the poor people.. they will bless you
Hey, if i'm not browsing this website, i;m going to be browsing porn websites instead..... :D so i'm creating web traffic anyway, and probably more with all those JPGs i'll be downloading.... :D :D
so let me live my life and you go live yours and do not post stupid posts like this one on here....



Only because of this web site i knew ead takes longer and i could expedite and get EAD.

Probably you are wrong
Vinod Gistik

We leave that job to you of getting blessings of people from Ethiopia. If you don't like it, don't WASTE your time here and get busy in getting the blessings.

And tell me for where you want to ticket Ethiopia or Bangladesh, I will try to start some charity account for you also.
I am aware that my posts will make some STUPID people feel uneasy and even angry. This is what happens to all pioneering people with new thoughts. While everybody is running after GC like a MAD DOG with their tounges hanging out, I am advocating sanity.
Think about how peaceful your life will be if you stop worrying about this and help other disadvantaged people.
Listen to me, you MORONS !! Do something useful with your life...
I already am a citizen, so maybe you should go. Take your pick... hoo hoo Tera naam hai Prem, Prem Chopra. Go run after Bobby or something....
Vinod Gistik said:
I already am a citizen, so maybe you should go. Take your pick... hoo hoo Tera naam hai Prem, Prem Chopra. Go run after Bobby or something....

Then why the hell you are browsing this site ? get off this site and mind your business.
What Vinod has written is something which has crossed my mind a million times. Maybe we should stop acting like beggers and take control of our own fate. That is definitely food for thought!
It is free world- you can go anywhere- almost. Since it is free world people are free to spend as much of their time on GC pursuits or any other thing of their choice.
Providing unsolicited provocative advice perhaps is not the most appropriate thing for this type of an web site.
2 cents
Details of Vinod Gistik

EB3 - Oct 96
Rd Aug99
RFE Dec 2000
Approved Feb 2001
Passport Stamping March 5 2001 :confused: :confused:

How can he is a citizen already? May be banladeshi? :D :D
The same way there is freedom of speech- there is also freedom to ignore. Just do that for stuff like this.

Vinod, I reckon you are a big looser. Can you post your qualification and economic status ? You think that you are one smart ass who got citizenship! You have no right to post a message like this. Go back to your mama !
Fu*k you vinod. Take a 2x4 and shove it up from your behind all the way to your vile mouth. :eek:
Never mind... one more guy who had nothing do on a fine sunny MONDAY, decided to create a crappy thread which could help pass his time :p