Am I able to get my visa again?


New Member
I'm in a really big trouble.

I am an International student in canada For this summer, I was going back home for summer, and when I came back, I was caught in the custom for bringing prohibited material. The custom officer told me they found a few pornography in my laptop, and a couple of them are about force sex and kidi pornography, which are illeagle to bring into Canada.

The custom officer brought me to the immigration office. After I had been waiting for almost an hour, the immigration officer informed me I have to sign the paper which said I was allowed to leave Canada without delay. They took my study permit away, and stamped "CANCELLED WITHOUT PREJUDISE" on my entry visa. I was sent on the plane to US.

Actually I didn't realize those videos are illeagel. Leaving and watching pornography in my laptop probrobly is the most stupid thing I've ever done so far, and I didn't realize these pornography in my laptop would cost so many troubles.

I can't say I am innocent, and I believe I should take responsiblity of what I have done. But I am still eager to go back to school. I go to university with a good standing, and no criminal record ever on the world.

I don't know some of porn in my laptop are child porn. The custom officer just told me they doult I have some in the laptop. This is still in investgation. What they have confirmed is my laptop does have some porn about force sex, so they asked me to leave.

I know it's a big shame to watch porn. I regret doing this dump thing.

I all downloaded these porn from internet randomly. Probobly some of them illeagel haven't caught my attention.

Just dont treat me as a bad person. These are not my intention. Plz give me some advise.

Am I able to get my visa again?

The officer in the immigration office told I may have a chance to reapply the visa and study permit. But what I am worried about is they definitely put something on my record, and how am I able to get the visa with these records? How is the possibility of getting the visa from the Canadian embassy. Is there anything I can do?

Any suggestion will be appreciated.
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