After the Green Card Questions- status with Employer and Social Security?


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So now that I have a green card, I have two questions:

First - how do I change my status with my employer, where I was previously in H1B status? They (the employer) have no idea what's required - seems it's my responsibility now, like it or not!

Second question - what's required with regards to Social Security? Do I need a new card without the "Employement only with INS Authorization" on it?

Thanks in advance!
When you update your status with SSA office, they will issue a new SSN card which will NOT have any statements on the card. This means you need not required to prove your legal status(NOT SURE).

You can submit copy of your new SSN card or Your GC to your employer.
jckii said:
So now that I have a green card, I have two questions:

First - how do I change my status with my employer, where I was previously in H1B status? They (the employer) have no idea what's required - seems it's my responsibility now, like it or not!
You fill form I-9 to change your employment status from H1B to GC. Your employer keeps this form for their records.

Second question - what's required with regards to Social Security? Do I need a new card without the "Employement only with INS Authorization" on it?
Yes, you update SSA with your new information and they re-ssue your card with same SSN, but no employment resitriction.
Thanks in advance!